
There’s just one week to go to secure your space at the Event Agency Forum

Kicking off next Monday (November 12, 2018), the Event Agency Forum will provide industry execs with the chance to meet with innovate suppliers.

Held within Hilton London Canary Wharf, the event will see delegates and suppliers come together in a series of pre-arranged face-to-face meetings, ensuring no time is wasted on the day.

Suppliers scheduled to attend include Alive Network, Macdonald Hotels, Hawthorn, 58VE, Thorns Group, Global Infusion Group and many more.

If you would like to get face-to-face with these industry suppliers, contact Laura Spratt now 01992 374053 to secure your free space.

Alternatively, if you’re a supplier and would like the opportunity to meet with delegates, contact Clair Wyld now on 01992 666724.

Throughout the day, a variety of speakers and seminars will also take place, where Julia Charles-Wiginton, company director of Julia Charles Event Management, will discuss her journey in business. Find out who else will be speaking on the day here.

The event really isn’t one to be missed if you are an agency exec looking to meet with key suppliers, all in one day.