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There’s still love for letters

The digital era has made email and other forms of electronic communication an integral part of our daily lives at work. However, a recent survey conducted by office supply company Avery reveals that there’s still something to be said for the use of traditional “snail mail”.

Birthdays, as you might expect, are the top occasions when postal communication is preferred. Avery’s research found that paper greeting cards won by a landslide over phone calls, text messages, emails and social media posts in terms of what people find the most meaningful – something to keep in mind next time an important client has a birthday.

When it comes to formal documents, seven out of 10 people would rather receive a hard copy in the form of a letter, though more than a quarter still say they’re happy to get the information in an email. Likewise, nearly half of those surveyed say they prefer posted sales material to digital marketing campaigns.

The study shows that receiving traditional post makes people respond emotionally because it’s seen as special in this day and age, but putting something in the mail is only part of the equation. One of the factors that makes clients want to open a letter, for example, is the choice of stationery used, such as bright-coloured envelopes.


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