
Think before you share snacks at the office

Sharing snacks may spread germs at the office

Itโ€™s a common occurrence in most offices โ€“ somebody opens a bag of crisps knowing they canโ€™t finish it on their own so they offer the team a handful. According to, you should think twice before shoving your hand in that packet or sharing snacks of your own.

Metro asked Hygienist Dr Lisa Ackerley why itโ€™s not actually a good idea to share snacks. She pointed out that surveys have shown around half of office workers donโ€™t wash their hands properly after using the toilet.

Germs such as E Coli, C Difficile and norovirus thrive on surfaces found in the restroom, which means people sharing snacks may also be spreading nasty infections. Imagine what could be lurking on your colleagueโ€™s hand when she helps herself to a few of your Haribo sweets.

Dr Ackerley says it only takes one contaminated particle for you to get ill, and norovirus itself is incredibly contagious. Around three million people in the UK get norovirus every year.

She recommends that rather than passing a bag of snacks around the office, each co-worker shakes out a helping onto a plate or a piece of paper to avoid touching food that somebody else will eat. Even if they all go into one bowl, itโ€™s easier to just take a few without touching any others, reducing the risk of spreading germs.

As always, you should wash your hands regularly, especially if youโ€™ve touched any surfaces before eating.

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