
Unhappy young workers risk health problems later in life

Half of UK workers know somebody who has taken time off work for stress

A new study conducted in America reveals that job dissatisfaction among workers in their 20s or 30s can cause poor health later in life.

Research by Ohio State University shows that embittered workers presented worse mental health by their 40s. They were also more likely than happy employees to suffer from regular sleep trouble and anxiety.

Among the factors that lead to dissatisfaction, the biggest were an abusive supervisor, lack of autonomy and worries over job security.

The study began in 1979 and covered data from 6400 men and women, who were asked over the course of decades whether they liked or disliked their jobs. Around 45% of participants reported being dissatisfied, 17% of whom said their unhappiness grew over time.

By the time they reached their 40s, those who were unhappy had developed mental complications such as depression, poor sleep and anxiety, as well as physical ailments including high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, heart disease, chronic lung disease, back and leg trouble, stomach and liver complications, and anaemia.

These symptoms were seen among the 45% of those who reported dissatisfaction at work. However, the researchers found that these illnesses had no impact on the employeesโ€™ ability to function physically.

While the research did not prove a direct link between job dissatisfaction and poor health, those who were happy at work werenโ€™t impacted by mental or physical ailments.

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