
VIDEO: How to tackle ‘big data’

Understanding consumer behaviour and your clients’ wants and needs has never been easier if you know where to look. With technology companies embracing the analytical, the key to success is hidden within your data, according to business travel and commission management specialist Mark Lewington in an interview with The Future In 15.

“People can make proper decisions,” said Lewington, CEO of CTS Systems, who believes clients need people who have “a good understanding of the data, the hotel being booked, the car rates being used, just basically from beginning to end.”

The company has a team of 52 employees across the globe, and also offers clients a pay portal between businesses and hotels that reduces foreign exchange fees, converting currency without unnecessary hassle. With an emphasis on simplicity and clarity, Mark Lewington explained the importance of big data and ‘consumed data’, as well as outlining how they aim to help businesses and hotels through their custom programming capabilities.

“We have no off-the-shelf software, so we customise to every travel agency, as you go in and understand what you need and do more of a consulting role,” Lewington explained to host Caleb Parker. “But then on the hotel side, we try and make things as easy as possible for them to respond, to make payments and to entice the agents to book them again.”

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