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ask abi

Ask Abi column answers burning questions by assistants

Our Ask Abi columnist, Abigail Jones, a career EA, answers burning questions by assistants sent to us by PAs and EAs. Abi currently works at Spotify and also provides professional coaching and mentoring to individuals and corporate groups…   Abigail Jones   How to make your executive prioritise your one-to-one meetings? Thank you for writing in with your question. It’s…

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Ask Abi column: helping PAs and EAs with career dilemmas

Welcome to the first Ask Abi column – helping PAs and EAs with career dilemmas. Abigail Jones, a career Executive Assistant, currently working at Instagram, answers burning career related questions sent to us by Assistants. Abi also provides professional coaching and mentoring to individual EAs and PAs and as well as corporate groups… Abigail Jones   This first column’s question…

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Lack of confidence in sustainability strategies

Over three quarters (78%) of employees lack confidence in sustainability strategies their employers have in place and find it hard to communicate these effectively says the AimHi Earth team who surveyed 1,727 professionals between 2022 and 2024 for their recent report… Employees lack confidence to apply sustainability strategies Nearly all employees (93%) reported that they lack the confidence to apply…

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Navigating sustainability for environmental and social responsibility

The world has changed considerably in recent years, especially our attitude towards environmental and social responsibility. It’s not just the environmental issues that we are aware of but social issues such as ‘Black Lives Matter and ‘Me Too’. As human beings and individuals we care about these issues and increasingly, we want the businesses and organisations we work for to…

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Sustainability is not a priority for business travellers

Only 16% of business travellers prioritise sustainability in trip planning, despite desire for more eco-friendly travel options. Emburse, the global leader in spend optimisation, today releases the findings of its latest research on attitudes towards sustainability amongst British business travellers. The Censuswide survey of 1,003 employees and 254 employers asked where sustainability fits within the business travel agenda, as trip…

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AI for admin tasks increasingly trusted by employees

Admin tasks are increasingly being trusted to AI as employees feel more comfortable and trust the technology. Most (70%) employees would delegate as much work as possible to AI according Microsoft’s global 2023 Work Trend Index Annual Report. There are 33 times as many LinkedIn posts mentioning generative AI and GPT than there were a year ago, with 82% of leaders anticipating…

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Expert tips for asking for a pay rise during the cost of living crisis

During the current cost of living crisis, there are very few people who aren’t anticipating a drop in disposable income as the cost of energy bills, petrol and everyday grocery items continue to rise.    As a result of this, many workers may be considering asking their employers for a pay review or salary increase, in order to combat the…

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Parents feel their careers squeezed after asking for parental leave

1 in 6 parents felt their career opportunities reduced after simply requesting parental leave. A new study reveals widespread bias against those taking parental leave in the UK, as 1 in 6 parents felt their career opportunities reduced after simply requesting parental leave. Almost a quarter of employees (23%) said that the stress of work affected their ability to have…

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Workplace procrastination: Why we do it and how to kick the habit

Many of us are guilty of leaving certain tasks until the last minute while at work – whether that be a new assignment or a particularly challenging task. However, falling into a habit of procrastinating can be a slippery slope and extremely frustrating and disheartening for those who procrastinate regularly. A recent study by Lenstore found one in four Brits say they…

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Best habits to help manage stress in 2022

With UK Google searches for the ‘signs of burnout’ soaring by 300%, between September 2020 and now, it’s now more important than ever to detect burnout in you and your team. Burnout has become more pervasive during the pandemic. A Mental Health UK survey found that 46% of UK workers felt more prone to extreme levels of stress now than…

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The top five worst WFH habits being brought into the office

New research from Kadence has revealed the bad habits that people are noticing in their colleagues since returning to the office. While many workers have become used to working from home over the past 21 months, the survey of 2,000 UK and US office workers suggests that some forget that they’re not at home. From not using deodorant and picking…

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New Year, New You: Best habits to manage stress in 2022

With UK Google searches for the ‘signs of burnout’ soaring by 300%, between September 2020 and now, it’s now more important than ever to detect burnout in your team. Burnout has become more pervasive during the pandemic. A Mental Health UK survey found that 46% of UK workers felt more prone to extreme levels of stress now than they did…

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‘Studies and surveys are useless when it comes to WFH ability & happiness’

Working from home might be the norm – but it doesn’t work for everyone. Personal Development Expert Christine Macdonald offers insight into how managers can work with employees to find the best fit for them… 2020 had a significant impact on work culture in the UK. As the national focus shifted rapidly, industries and sectors were forced to change their…

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Let’s talk about remote working and sustainability

More people than ever are now working from home, and remote working could well become the norm for many employees.  But with people also more aware of sustainability issues, how can remote employees tailor their work life to improve their own carbon footprint… Here, bulk LPG suppliers Flogas take a look: Remote working Working from home became a new experience…

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One year on, occupancy for flexible office space in the UK stabilises

Contract occupancy in flexible office space has stabilised one year on from the start of lockdown, according to a new sentiment survey from Workthere. Occupancy levels levelled out at 66% in March 2021, the same level as in the flexible office specialist’s survey in October 2020. This is down from 80% level pre-Covid back in early March last year. The occupancy…

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WORLD SLEEP DAY: How employers can promote good sleep habits

World Sleep Day falls on March 19th this year. With significant numbers of people reporting poorer quality sleep during lockdown, Towergate Health & Protection is suggesting employers should look towards the Netherlands for good sleep habits. According to figures from Sleep Cycle, people in the Netherlands got the best quality sleep over the past week, closely followed by Finland, and…

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How to break the stigma of disability in the workplace

By Thom Dennis, CEO at Serenity in Leadership and Jane Hatton, CEO of Evenbreak Approximately 15% of the world’s population live with some form of disability but only 2-4% have disabilities which cause significant difficulties functioning, yet disabled people are over a third less likely to be employed than non-disabled people. It’s probable this will have multiplied as a result…

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