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8 ways to boost your employability & job prospects

The New Year is traditionally a time for looking at starting afresh, whether that’s to get fit and healthy or, often, to look for new career opportunities. With this in mind, the personal finance experts at Ocean Finance have uncovered ten ways in which you can enhance your employability… Consider utilising this lockdown to learn new skills. If you know exactly…

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Are you wasting time on valueless tasks?

On average, business decision makers from UK organisations waste 27% of their time at work on tasks that do not add critical value.That’s according to Vanson Bourne research commissioned by Dropbox – “The State of Collaboration” – which revealed that monotonous admin is starving UK businesses of innovation. The findings revealed that decision makers in the modern workplace are ‘spending too much…

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50% of women avoid asking for a pay rise

2019 UK wages saw the fastest rise in just over a decade, increasing by 3.9% in just three months, but research collated by Instant Offices reveals that women are still less likely to ask for a pay rise as less than half (43%) often feel ‘uncomfortable’ doing so. One-third of women state they believe they are over qualified for their current role, regardless, data…

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PA Profile: Abi Sangster, EA to Mary Portas

Working so closely to someone in the public eye requires a certain level of discretion, something which Abi Sangster, EA to Mary Portas, is all too familiar with. PA Life sat down with her to find out why she never planned on becoming an assistant, and how her gregarious personality has led her to achieve such a close-working relationship with…

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VenueScanner asks ‘Why is event planning falling short of tech’?

“Simple elements of other online industries – such as transparent pricing, live availability, and online payment systems – have yet to be perfected by the events industry,” said VenueScanner’s Rebecca Kelly. The events industry boasts a number of technological advancements, from mobile ticketing, QR scanners for business cards and sensors to track footfall, so why is event planning falling short?…

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App of the week: Airtasker

The job of being an assistant is non-stop, with a lot of assistants working around the clock depending on the requirements of their boss. Because of this, it can be difficult to get the little tasks done around the house. From cleaning to admin, you don’t always have the time to get the job done. Airtasker is a job sharing…

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The ability to remember is being forgotten

There are some crucial skills needed for every PA: organisation, readiness and the ability to remember are all key, but what if your memory isn’t as sharp as it once was? People have become lazy with technology and the ability to remember is on the decline new research has found. The average Brit forgets at least five things every day, thanks…

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Do you need a Capability Policy?

‘Capability’ is one of the five fair reasons for dismissal, HR director of London private GP clinic London Doctors Clinic, Vicki Field, explains. Every discussion, decision and dismissal made under the Capability Policy can be extremely hard as there is generally a genuine issue of ill-health, and the company is determining whether or not to remove someone’s job at a…

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How to detox bad work habits

Richard Morris, UK CEO of Regus, offers three easy ways employees can eliminate bad work habits and re-energise the new working year. Listen to your body clock The thought of beginning another year and undergoing the same work routines can take the spark away from even the most optimistic performers. So, look to change things up. This needn’t mean a…

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Creating a disability-friendly workplace in 2018

Paula Marshall is head of furniture category sales at Office Depot UK & Ireland. Tailoring workplaces to employees with disabilities is rightfully shifting up the agendas of many facilities managers as employers are waking up to the advantages of a diverse workforce. Hiring from a larger talent pool means that employers can ensure that they are taking on the very…

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Survey reveals Britain’s worst manager habits

Research shows that two in every three UK employees is experiencing the wrath of a bad boss. With so many people unhappy with management, job site Glassdoor wanted to find out exactly what annoyed them most about their execs. Interestingly, the average rating for senior management on Glassdoor is three out five, whereas overall company satisfaction stands at 3.3 out…

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4 questions to ask yourself before becoming a VA

Leaving the comfort of a permanent full-time job is often a daunting task. Walking out on a familiar position you could have held for years is a difficult decision, even after months of consideration. When trading in a PA job for a freelance or virtual PA position the leap of faith can be scary, but if you’re planning on making…

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How to stop multitasking and start unitasking

Business mindfulness expert Dana Zelicha of the Organisational Well Being Agency discusses how to stop multitasking and start unitasking to reduce stress at work Multitasking is a common practice with the many distractions people face throughout the day. The belief that multitasking helps us accomplish everything we have to get done, however, is a myth. Research has shown that multitasking…

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Bosses driven crazy by employee habits

New research from AXA PPP healthcare has revealed aspects of office behaviour that bosses find most irksome. It would appear that poor time keeping, office romances and foul habits are rife when working in smaller businesses, with one in 10 not liking their colleagues. Topping the table of annoyances of a poll of business owners, MDs and senior managers were…

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Abu Dhabi: An Arabian star

Discover the ingredients that make Abu Dhabi the ideal MICE destination for business travellers. Amelia Walker reports When Abu Dhabi climbed into the International Congress and Convention Association’s (ICCA) top 100 busiest meeting destinations in 2012, CEO Martin Sirk advised the destination not to solely focus on specific rankings, but instead aim for business that suits a realistic, long-term economic…

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A third of Brits don’t feel comfortable asking for time off sick

More than a third of UK employees are nervous about asking their bosses for time off sick, with one in five uncomfortable about even asking for holiday. The unease of British workers was revealed in a survey by, with a shocking 25% of employees stating that they don’t feel valued. The survey, which quizzed 1000 UK office workers, also found…

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