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The importance of the self-fulfilling prophecy when coming out of a crisis

By Dr Lynda Shaw (pictured), neuroscientist, business psychologist and change specialist The self-fulfilling prophecies of leaders and workers could be one of the key determining factors in how a business coped during lockdown and how it will do in a future still full of uncertainty, as we know that our beliefs directly affect our consequences. A self-fulfilling prophecy is a…

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Be Aware: Pressure at work = more bullying

Employees experience more bullying on days with higher work pressure and passive avoidant leadership, according to new research from BI Norwegian Business School and the University of Bergen. Pressure is an increasing problem in working life as it can impact employee health and well-being. Leaders and managers have a responsibility to ensure good health and well-being of employees, particularly in times…

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Supplier Spotlight: People Business

We have two passions – people and business relationships. We believe they both matter. And when both are finely tuned, business performance soars. People Business can provide you with assistance across the entire HR and leadership spectrum. Every member of our team has held senior roles, with exceptional expertise in their field. Which means when you work with us you…

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Fifth of managers consider quitting as COVID burnout strikes

More than six in ten UK managers have experienced burnout at work because of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a fifth considering quitting their job as a result, according to new research from not-for-profit healthcare provider Benenden Health. Assessing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the nation’s workforce one year on, research has found that as many as 61% of managers…

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Being transgender in the workplace & what needs to happen to support inclusion of transgender employees

In advance of International Transgender Day of Visibility on 31st March, we caught up with Joanne Lockwood, a Diversity & Inclusion & Belonging Specialist who also promotes Transgender Awareness to organisations, and an Associate Facilitator with Serenity in Leadership, to find out what we need to do next to stop discrimination in the workplace and support inclusion of transgender and…

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Job security and flexibility now more valuable to staff than salary

Around a half (51%) of employees believe job security and flexibility (40%) are more important than salary (32%) when considering whether to remain at their current employer. The news has emerged following a new report by law firm Winckworth Sherwood, with the research highlighting a shift in the mindset of employees towards work following the widescale change in operational models…

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How to combat post-lockdown anxiety in your workplace

by Nicola Jagielski, Associate Director of Clinical Services at Health Assured… The Government’s roadmap out of lockdown was the light at the end of the tunnel that many people in the UK needed. We have a tentative roadmap out of lockdown, a successful vaccine programme, and the nation’s mood is lightening. For many of us, the easing of lockdown brings…

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Top 10 attributes every great business leader needs in 2021

By Thom Dennis (pictured), CEO at Serenity in Leadership Successful business leaders may previously have been visionaries of their brand, expert decision makers with a growth mindset and possessed extraordinary levels of energy, but the qualities needed to be a good leader in 2021 have changed vastly due to the seismic pressures of the ongoing Covid-19 situation and the events…

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Business Travel Association appoints new Board Director

The Business Travel Association (BTA) has announced the appointment of Varinder Atwal, Senior Director of Supplier Management at CWT, as its new Board Director. Working alongside the BTA’s Executive team, Atwal will ensure the ongoing success of the Association’s business objectives and overall commercial plan following COVID-19. Atwal is the Senior Director of Global Supplier Management at CWT, one of…

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What women want in the workplace in 2021

By The Team at Serenity in Leadership Covid-19 has changed numerous things for women, with many struggling with additional burdens of children missing school, isolation, anxiety about their family’s health and finances; with burnout and severe stress real issues. As a crisis often presents opportunities, to mark International Women’s Day taking place today, Serenity in Leadership identifies ten things businesses need…

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The widening digital skills gap: how to ensure you’re not left behind

Digital talent acquisition specialist offers advice for not falling victim to the digital skills gap. The UK is witnessing a widening digital skills gap which will see organisations investing in a race for digital talent over the coming years. This is according to digital leadership search agency Hannington Tame which outlines that now is the time for organisations to ensure they’re upskilling…

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Flexibility and reskilling top priorities for UK employers in 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic is driving a fundamental shift in the way companies operate, accelerating the need for an adaptable and agile workforce to drive business success. According to Mercer’s 2021 Global Talent Trends study, the financial impact and work-life disruption caused by the pandemic is causing UK employers to focus on redefining flexibility and skills development to ensure their business…

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How to break the stigma of disability in the workplace

By Thom Dennis, CEO at Serenity in Leadership and Jane Hatton, CEO of Evenbreak Approximately 15% of the world’s population live with some form of disability but only 2-4% have disabilities which cause significant difficulties functioning, yet disabled people are over a third less likely to be employed than non-disabled people. It’s probable this will have multiplied as a result…

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BOOK REVIEW: The Alchemy of Virtual Assistance

The Alchemy of Virtual Assistance – creating a successful assistant business around your family by Suzy Sanders is the perfect guide for any virtual assistant, whether they work for an agency, are starting their own business or joining a franchise. Suzy Sanders founded Alchemy Virtual Assistance from her home in 2016, to provide remote administration services, practical marketing and flexible…

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5 minutes with IQ-EQ’s Caroline Bagshaw on becoming Group Chief People Officer

IQ-EQ recently announced the appointment of Caroline Bagshaw as its new Group Chief People Officer. Caroline’s HR career to date spans more than 26 years and a diverse range of industry sectors, including technology, pharma and financial services. She has 18 years’ experience in regional and global HR leadership roles, and PA Life spoke with Caroline about her new role……

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New virtual programmes designed to help business professionals lead, inspire and connect

RADA Business, is continuing to expand its virtual performance training by launching three brand new programmes, whilst having already moved another six online to keep up with demand. This announcement comes as many leaders continue to face significant challenges, communicating and managing their teams through uncertain times, remotely. The virtual programmes have each been designed to help business professionals lead,…

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Living, Working and Leading Consciously in 2021

By Jess Ince, Director, INSYNC For the people whose jobs it is to look after and organise others, living consciously has never been more important. But what exactly does it mean? With everything going on in the world, it can be easy to succumb to worry and overwhelm, rather than existing and taking in the moments as they come. Conscious…

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Mental health was a different ball game twenty years ago!

By Romy Ashmore, Executive Assistant to Managing Director & Senior Leadership Team, RM Results According to the World Health Organisation, Mental Health is “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”.…

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