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Could a playlist help your business succeed?

Thousands of people are working from home in the current climate. During this bizarre time of isolation, it’s important to stay productive when working in an environment that can be full of distractions. So, how do you make sure you’re maximising productivity when working in a different environment? Transmit Startups have investigated the power of music and have revealed 43…

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Second franchisee joins Alchemy Virtual Assistance group

Northamptonshire-based Annette Harris has joined Alchemy Virtual Assistance, to provide remote PA and administrative services to small businesses in her local area.With over 30 years’ experience as a PA, and as businesses are being forced to suddenly adopt a remote and virtual approach to their operations, Harris says she is not scared to be launching her Virtual Assistant business during…

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Top Tips: Get the best out of your working day at home

The largely unprecedented and uncertain nature of recent events has led to a significant shift in lifestyle for many, with the vast majority of office workers now working from home.With this in mind, flexible office specialist Workthere has put together some top tips on how to get the best out of your working day from the comfort of your home…

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Are you and your partner working from home? Here are five ways couples can avoid stress during lockdown

A Middlesex University academic expert on relationships has offered couples stuck at home during the Coronavirus pandemic five tips on how they can avoid arguments.With millions of husband and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends and LGBT couples currently having to stay indoors with each other all day during the Covid-19 lockdown, there could be the potential for disagreements to say the…

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Get your free working from home health and safety digital toolkit

UK companies are to be given free access to mobile inspection app and digital platform iAuditor from SafetyCulture, to help manage the working from home concerns of employers and employees during the Coronavirus crisis.The offer is aimed at HR teams, who have found it difficult to conduct risk assessments, quickly and at scale, following rapid changes to working arrangements brought about…

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Here a playlist to help you boost productivity, using science

A study has revealed the 43 songs you need to include in your playlist to keep you focused when working from home. Using ‘scientific studies’, boffins at business loans group Trasmit Startups performed the research with key findings including:An unproductive workforce costs British businesses £143 billion each yearHappy music can make you 23% more creativeHigh noise levels decrease your cognitive abilityMusic with a…

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Top Tips: How to avoid interview ‘stage fright’

In response to Covid-19, the swift adaptation by many companies from office to remote working, in most cases overnight, has been admirable. Yet pursuing a new role can be a stressful time for many people, even without the added components of a global pandemic and economic uncertainty. The pressure of interviews, be they face-to-face or remote, is causing workers to…

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Top Tips: How to adjust to working from home & self-isolation

If you’re one of the thousands of people working from home for the first time due to the Coronavirus outbreak, you wouldn’t be alone if you’re finding the adjustment a little tough. It can be a challenge to remain focussed on the task at hand when you have limitless potential distractions all around you. Keeping your spirits up can also…

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Coronavirus: At Home Tips to Support Your Immune System

Our immune system is vital for survival, its main purpose being to make antibodies which fight against infection and disease. To keep healthy, it is essential to keep the immune system strong. Leveraged on five pillars, the World Health Organisation has made an official statement on how vital it is to keep up with your physical and mental health: •…

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Top Tips: 7 simple ways to look after your wellbeing at home

By Yvonne Smyth, Director of Hays Human ResourcesWorking from home can present a number of challenges, particularly to professionals who haven’t had experience of this before. It has the potential to feel isolating and lonely if you are used to an office environment, which is where proactively looking after your wellbeing comes into play.In light of the huge numbers of…

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REMOTE WORKING: Time to rethink your phone etiquette

With many UK office workers now operating from home, conference calls have undoubtedly become part of the daily routine. Business telecommunications provider, 4Com, investigated the nation’s thoughts on bad telephone manners, revealing the habits to avoid.According to the research, the five most annoying phone habits, are:Someone having a conversation with someone else in the background (43%)Being interrupted whilst speaking (42%)Someone…

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Coronavirus: Why employers need to do more to tackle presenteeism

In the last decade, presenteeism – the act of working more hours than required – has tripled in the UK with more than 4 in 5 people observing it compared to just a quarter in 2010. As coronavirus (Covid-19) continues to spread, both within the UK and globally, employers should be discouraging, and tackling, ‘presenteeism’ amid government warnings around social…

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Expense claims driving you mad? There’s an app for that…

Are you tired of having screwed up paper receipts dumped on your desk every month? You’re not alone. We asked some PAs to recommend software that can help…One of the most important assets for PAs to have on their side is time. We all need more of it. But too often time gets sucked up by painful admin tasks, which…

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Hays reveals what office workers want from technology

UK workers are optimistic about the opportunities technology will create in the future as over 90% believe it is changing their workplace and everyday lives for the better.Professionals in the UK stand ready to embrace automation, as findings from over 14,500 respondents in the Hays What Workers Want 2019 Report reveal that they are interested in using the latest digital…

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Coronavirus: Productivity and security at risk from remote working

By Stuart Dickinson, COO at eacsAlthough the global spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) is itself grabbing the headlines, the impact it is having on UK businesses, both big and small, is still unclear.  In light of the recent contagion across Europe, organisations are starting to respond by implementing remote working strategies, but how well will businesses cope if most staff are self-isolating or avoiding travelling to the workplace? According to eacs, leaders in the delivery of IT services to the mid-market, it…

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Coronavirus: How businesses can prepare

Coronavirus is here, the WHO has now declared it a global pandemic and countries including the UK are on various stages of lockdown. Business owners must continue to monitor the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on their employees, facilities and supply chains as decisions may need to be made quickly to take account of what is a fast-changing situation. Here…

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Presenteeism ‘inadvisable for businesses during coronavirus outbreak’

We asked Hira Ali, author of Her Way To The Top: A Guide To Smashing The Glass Ceiling, to explain more about presenteeism amidst the coronavirus outbreak…Why do some people suffer from presenteeism more than others?Being absent or working from home is traditionally associated with laziness. There is also a long standing office culture where the expectation is to not…

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