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Uk economy

Luxury sustainable jewellery in Morse Code is a Christmas wish come true

Jewel Code by Edge – Luxury sustainable jewellery in Morse Code. This is what Christmas wishes are made of. Whether the recipient is a friend, partner or a corporate client, a gift of bespoke jewellery is always appreciated.  Our process is all about putting you in the driver’s seat. First, you play, personalise, and finalise your design with our team…

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Quiet Quitting: What are the risks of doing the ‘bare minimum’ at work?

With almost 7 million views on TikTok and counting, the ‘Quiet Quitting’ trend has taken social media by storm in recent weeks. Young employees, still dealing with the ongoing effects of the pandemic, are focusing on prioritising their work/life balance over impressing their employers. Quiet Quitting doesn’t refer to an employee leaving a role, but rather quitting the idea of…

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Childcare costs soar as the gap to maternity pay widens

The UK’s childcare costs are the highest in the developed world, and rising well above the rate of maternity pay which has gone down in real terms over the last 12 years. Research from the Trades Union Congress (TUC) found childcare costs have risen by £2,200 each year since 2010, coinciding with the Conservative party coming back into power. In…

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Equality: Women are losing out on company share schemes

Women are losing out on company share schemes too. We all know about the pay gap women are racing to close but the overall wealth gap is still largely untackled.  An important source of income is out of reach for many female executives new findings reveal. Research by law firm Boodle Hatfield found that 69% tax-advantaged share options were offered…

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June’s extra bank holiday is welcome news but what does it mean to employers?

The business sector is keen to make this year’s extra June Bank Holiday, which marks the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, to become a permanent fixture in UK calendars. It’s an extra day for the nation, granted in recognition of Her Majesty’s “extraordinary” service and the hard work shown throughout the pandemic. A new “Thank Holiday” would recognise her service and bring…

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The Eastside Rooms

The Eastside Rooms- Birmingham’s newest conference venue Eastside rooms is the new contemporary conference venue in the Eastside of Birmingham. Eastside is a unique environment which combines innovation of the future with Birmingham the Ionic Knowledge quarter. Eastside rooms has a total of 23 Meeting spaces including the Affinity suite which is one of Birmingham’s largest pillar free spaces. Meeting…

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Privacy and security concern workers as they return to the office

The attitudes of UK workers returning to the office working have changed since before the pandemic. Office design now needs to take into account the needs and desires of individuals to have more privacy at the office reports eFax. Their latest research conducted by eFax who offer cloud-based fax solutions for businesses found that 42 per cent of employees are…

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Only nine women CEOs run FTSE 100 companies today, study finds

Robert Half FTSE 100 CEO Tracker reveals ongoing lack of diversity at the top as there are currently only nine women CEOs.  Despite numerous gender inclusivity initiatives to increase diversity at the top, only nine women CEOs run FTSE 100 companies today Two thirds (68%) of CEOs appointed though internal promotion, up from 46% in 2019 More than two fifths…

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Ten ways to secure employee retention amidst The Great Resignation

Whilst staying at a company for five, 10 or 20 years used to be perfectly normal protocol, since 2021 The Great Resignation has highlighted what has quietly been happening for the last decade; valuable employees are dictating what will keep them in their role because they are astutely aware of their own value and employers are struggling to keep hold…

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WFH may help recruitment but it won’t stem resignations, new research shows

Organisations looking to stem the tide of the ‘great resignation’ shouldn’t rely on flexible working options alone to retain their top talent. New research reveals that working from home (WFH), flexible working hours and even four-day work weeks, won’t necessarily be enough to keep employees’ resignations at an expected level. Cloud HR software provider CIPHR conducted a survey of over…

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Employers urged to focus on flexible working to avert staff shortages

39% of HR leaders believe labour shortages are here to stay for up to two to three years. In addition, 59% of workers say that the pandemic has made them more likely to quit their jobs. “We’re entering a period of existential reckoning when it comes to the balance between work and our lives. The tables are turning, and employees…

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Are your executives hiding their stress from you?

Three quarters of business leaders have admitted that the last two years have been incredibly stressful, but they had hidden that stress from their team. This is according to a major new report from Capitalise, the small business platform that gives small businesses and their adviser transparency and control over their business finance all in one place. The report, titled Get Fit…

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Mobile meditation space brings wellness to workplaces

Mindfulness has become a buzz word within the wellbeing industry. Mindfulness meditation apps such as Headspace have soared from a million downloads in 2014 to 65 million in 2020. Additionally, there has been an explosion in mindfulness research, with 147 publications produced in 2010 to 1,153 in 2020. Studies show that the benefits of mindfulness can improve focus, productivity and…

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Employers facing wall of mental health problems

Doctors are becoming increasingly concerned about the growing wall of mental health problems stemming from the pandemic, with some predicting dire consequences for employers and the economy. Whilst many have again returned to home working or have social distancing in place, many employers are not aware that the responsibility for managing work-related mental health issues amongst their employees rests firmly…

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Better together: why shared experiences are key to an inclusive hybrid workplace

By Rich Westman, CEO and founder of Kaido, a platform for building remote team culture… “Always take some of the play, fun, freedom and wonder of the weekend into your week and your work,” life coach Rasheed Ogunlaru tells us. Great advice that’s hard to follow in an environment that’s increasingly divided. Coronavirus has given rise to a new era…

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Why upskilling is more important now than ever before

Up until a few years ago, obtaining your undergraduate degree was a pass to the vast world of employment. Unfortunately, a higher education certificate might not take you that far nowadays. Upskilling – the evolution of a person’s abilities and career path – has become a buzzword in today’s job ambience. Both employees and employers have begun looking at ways…

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