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Editor’s Letter

Rounding up Technology Month

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February has been a month packed with technological innovations, expert advice on the latest developments and top tips for working with tech. As PAs, EAs, VAs and more have had to adapt over the past year, new solutions have offered support in the constantly changing working environment. Investing in the right tools can make life […]

Where would we be without Zoom…?

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Since the pandemic began, have you ever stopped and thought how different the lockdowns would have been without video technology? I’m sure at some point we’ve all moaned and groaned at a frozen video call or a colleague being on mute – and, in fact, a study has found that 22% of video calls freeze […]

Personal development

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During this latest national lockdown – possibly because the start of the year means we all look at new career opportunities and self-improvement – it seems that more of us are looking at learning new skills. And not just baking banana bread and sourdough bread… From online courses to webinars, more of us are investing […]

Technology Month…

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This week marked the beginning of February – and the start of Technology Month at PA Life, as we examine the solutions and techniques available to help us our professional lives During the pandemic, technology has never been more important, and – whether it’s navigating pro Zoom functions, sourcing new comms tools such as Slack […]

Wellbeing Month…

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January is ending and with it brings the final week of Wellbeing Month at PA Life. But, this doesn’t mean the end of looking after yourself, and we will continue to share tips on how to ensure wellness is a priority for you throughout 2021. During the year, there are a number of awareness days […]

January Blues…

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Often after the excitement of Christmas and celebrating the start of the New Year, the January Blues kick in. This year, with the national lockdown and the new pressures this brings, it has been even tougher. So, looking after your mental health has never been more important. Blue Monday, thought to be the most depressing […]

Happy New Year…

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So, once again the country is in another national lockdown. And many of us are concerned about how this will affect our mental wellbeing and – if you’re a PA, EA, or Office Manager – how this situation will likely result in a heavier workload. When working from home, it’s very easy to work extra […]