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Brits struggling to fit exercise into their lives

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Research of 2,000 adults found 32 per cent feel they would ‘never’ be successful when it comes to trying to stick to an exercise plan, while 28 per cent feel the same about eating healthily or losing weight. We look at why Brits are struggling to fit exercise in… As a result, of those who […]

Beat the back-to-work blues and keep your exercise resolution

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Here’s how to beat the back-to-work blues and keep your fitness resolution when you’re stuck in the office or home office. January is officially the bleakest month of the year. It’s cold outside, you’re broke and you’re stuck in the office making it difficult to kick-start your health and fitness resolution.  Just because you can’t […]

These are the 10 physical activities you should do at least once a week

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Swimming can be the best sport to relieve stress while walking could clear a mental block, according to experts. TV personality and GP Dr Zoe Williams has recommended movements you can undertake to help improve certain moods. She advises getting some fresh air by walking if you are having a mental block or feel unmotivated […]

Best habits to help manage stress in 2022

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With UK Google searches for the ‘signs of burnout’ soaring by 300%, between September 2020 and now, it’s now more important than ever to detect burnout in you and your team. Burnout has become more pervasive during the pandemic. A Mental Health UK survey found that 46% of UK workers felt more prone to extreme […]

How to manage business travel anxiety post-pandemic

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Travelling around the world often sparks thoughts of holidays and rest bite however, much of the UKs workforce is required to travel for work purposes.  As the world is beginning to open, workplace travel is beginning to resume. For many the anxiety of thinking about COVID-19 tests and what you need to do before booking […]

Brits now sit down for more than 43 hours a week

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The average Brit is now sitting down for more than 43 hours during a typical week – the equivalent of 93 days a year, according to new research. A study has revealed millions around the country are parked on their backsides for six hours and 20 minutes every day. But 46 per cent of the […]

Covid-19 is affecting our mental health: here’s how to cope

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Covid-19 continues to impact our lives, and studies have revealed that it’s affecting more than just our physical health. One in three survivors of the virus experience mental health conditions, the majority being anxiety and mood disorders. This is a major sign that it’s time for people to start taking control of their mental health. […]

Stress: 5 problems it causes & 5 ways to get it under control

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With the effects of the pandemic and stressors surrounding Covid-19, stress-related absence is up 64% from 2019, and there has been a 39% increase in leave due to stress year on year. Short term stress can be good in small doses, as it can focus the mind, provide motivation and energise the body, which helps […]

What will you miss post-lockdown?

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Exercising before work, not having to rush and tucking into a leisurely breakfast are among the things Brits will miss the most when their morning routines return to normal. A study of 2,000 adults found four in 10 feel the pandemic and the lockdowns have given them more time in the mornings. As a result, […]

How to make the most of your lockdown routine when you’re not working

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For most people, lockdown has meant a huge change to daily routines, and it can be hard to know how best to structure the day. To help Brits get the most out of their days in self-isolation, watch and sunglasses specialist, Tic Watches, has revealed the best times to do different activities to get the […]

Top Tips: 10 fundamental pointers for your physical and mental well-being during lockdown

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By Aleksandra Sasha Horwood For me, being in lockdown is nothing new. Except, I chose it myself and went into a three-year retreat. That was in 2006. And it lasted exactly three years, three months and three days. This lockdown for all of is us not going to extend to that period of time, but […]

Office workers feel they’re gaining weight on the job

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64 per cent of Americans that have or had worked in an office environment said that it caused their health and fitness levels to decline. Not only that, a whopping nine in 10 who have gained weight while working an office job blame their workplace for playing a role. A new study of 2,000 Americans, […]

The small things that have big health benefits

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The reason many of us fail in the campaign to become fit and healthy is because of the complete overhaul we try to force on our lifestyle but instead of completely changing your lifestyle, Vincenzo Ferrara looks at how a few small changes can help you smash your goal. There are many diets, fads and […]

Struggling with dry January already? Here’s some tips to get your through

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Mark Pinches, head of coaching at Westfield Health, reveals his alternative stress busters to help you get through January if you have decided to ditch the booze. A New Year marks the opportunity to set out a series of resolutions, whether that is quitting alcohol or aiming to shed a few pounds – we’re all […]

The importance of encouraging health and well-being in a workforce

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There has been a surge of positive attitude about health and well-being in the workplace in the last few years, including a drive from the chief medical officer for the UK Government, Professor Dame Sally Davies. Yet many companies are slow to actually make changes and take action. Understanding how to encourage health and well-being in […]

Don’t forget your bones when working out

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That’s the latest advice from Public Health England (PHE), which says we should pay more attention to our bone and muscle strength if  in order to stay healthy beyond middle age. PHE says that while increasing numbers of people are taking up some form of cardio vascular exercise, there’s still work to be done to help […]

One in four Brits never exercise, says British Lung Foundation

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In a poll of 2,000 UK adults conducted by the British Ling Foundation, 23 per cent admitted they do their best to avoid exercise at all costs – and of the 77 per cent who do exercise, 16 per cent only exert themselves once a week. Walking is the exercise Brits are most likely to engage […]

Sustrans wants to encourage more women to cycle

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Almost three quarters (73%) of women living in seven major UK cities never ride a bike for local journeys. Despite this, over two-thirds (68%) say their city would be a better place to live and work if more people cycled, according to ‘Women: reducing the gender gap‘, a report published today by Sustrans. The report, which […]

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