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GDPR and data protection: What do businesses need to know in the age of COVID?

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COVID-19 has caused significant impacts across all aspects of society, however many UK businesses have struggled to navigate these changes. The public health emergency has meant that many organisations are facing staff shortages, limited operating capacity, and acute financial pressures impacting their finances and cash flows. For many businesses the continuation of work has been […]

Reviewing business contracts: Why it’s never been so important

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With the Coronavirus pandemic leading to significant changes in legislation across a range of sectors and people throughout the country being impacted, businesses and business owners should take the time to look into the processes they have in place. Phil Parkinson (pictured), Head of Commercial Law at Blacks Solicitors, discusses why it’s never been so […]

Three quarters of organisations still struggling with GDPR compliance

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More than 75% of organisations could be struggling with GDPR compliance a full year on from the introduction of the regulation. That’s according to research from Crown Records Management, which says only 23% of businesses considered their compliance capabilities around GDPR to be ‘very good’. Just 20% of the 100 CIOs and data professionals within […]

Opinion: 6 months on, how’s your GDPR journey so far?

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As we start back at work, it’s time for many of us to get back into the right frame of mind to be motivated and work hard. However, with GDPR still hanging over many of our heads, that motivation might be lacking a little. Karen Holden, lawyer and founder of A City Law Firm, talks about […]

Still clueless about GDPR?

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More than half of those surveyed revealed they don’t dispose of paper customer records securely and confidentially. Since the GDPR deadline in May 2018 we have been inundated with thousands of PAs that are yet to see their businesses change. This not only puts the personal data of millions of employees and customers at risk […]

Top stories of the week

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As we continue to keep you informed on what’s happening in the events world and up to date, don’t forget to check us out on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. PA Profile: Lydia McKay, Pretty Little Thing At the time of interviewing, Lydia McKay was EA to the co-founder of Pretty Little Thing. Having worked on the corporate side in […]

Staff working out of hours could be violating GDPR

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UK workers that conduct work tasks on personal mobile phones at home and on the commute could be massively violating GDPR rules. What’s more, most employees are completely unaware that they are doing anything wrong. Although 14 million people in the UK use a second mobile phone for work, 18 per cent prefer to use […]

One in five workers still haven’t been given a company GDPR policy by HR

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2018 has been the year of GDPR – the four letters that have pestered businesses around the country for the best part of six months now. Yet, most of us still haven’t been taught what we can and can’t do in regards to the new GDPR rules. A new study has found that almost one in […]


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New research from Marketing Signals has revealed how 37% of businesses admit they are still not GDPR compliant. In fact, 17% revealed they dont know what the benefits of being GDPR compliant are. 37% of businesses admit they are still not GDPR compliant Top five ways businesses are not following GDPR revealed 35% still send […]

How to ensure your office shredder is compliant with GDPR

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With GDPR here, businesses cannot afford to take risks with personal data and confidential information. Darryl Brunt, country head for Fellowes UK and Ireland, reveals how you can select the right shredder to dispose of sensitive information in the office. Why shred? Every organisation has a legal responsibility to safeguard sensitive information and dispose of […]

GDPR can now send you to sleep. Literally

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Are you tired of the seemingly endless meetings and emails about GDPR at your place of work? Well, some bright spark has taken the 57,509-word document to its logical conclusion – an app that sends you to sleep. That’s right, if you download meditation app Calm [iTunes link] there’s an option to listen to the GDPR law […]

PA Life updates its Privacy Policy

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In light of the new data protection law (GDPR) that comes into force on May 25, 2018, PA Life has updated its Privacy Policy. To ensure we as a brand and company are offering you total transparency and control, we have outlined what information we collect, how we store it and why we need this […]

How to get your company ready for the GDPR law

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Matt Smith, director and co-founder of Black Tomato Group and Alana Buchanan, business development manager at Black Tomato Agency, reveal how you and your company can stay ahead of the curve in time for GDPR 2018 What is GDPR? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will replace the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) and applies […]