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Posts Tagged :

interview questions

Inequality starts at the interview

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Interviewers come under fire after survey reveals eight out of ten are guilty of asking off-limits questions. An alarming 85% of interviewers have admitted to asking off-limits questions during the interview process, new research has revealed. According to Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS) there is a clear confusion among hiring managers over what can and cannot be asked, with nearly […]

Interviewers throw ‘curveball’ questions to throw off candidates

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Is it okay to snitch on a co-worker? What tree do you resemble most? If you could have dinner with anyone in the world who would it be, and why? These are the curveball questions employers are using to throw off candidates, according to new research. A new study by GoDaddy polled 1,000 recent graduates […]

3 interview questions you want to ask but shouldn’t

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Asking questions at an interview is essential; after all, you want to find out just as much about the company as they want to know about you. However, there are some questions you simply shouldn’t ask, according to The Muse. Here are three to avoid, along with alternative queries that make you sound like the […]

8 questions you should ask at a job interview

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It’s important to remember that a job interview is a two-way conversation; you need to extract information from your potential employer as much as they need to learn about you. While you’re practising your answers to their questions, it’s important to have a few of your own in mind. Here are the eight questions you […]

6 questions interviewers ask to test if you fit the company culture

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When it comes to preparing for an interview, we all know to brush up on speaking about our skills and experience. But a job interview is also designed to help both parties decide if their personality matches the organisation and vice versa. Here are six questions managers will ask you to test if you fit […]

The 50 most common interview questions

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It’s likely you’ve been through an interview at some point in your life – maybe even several. To say you know the usual questions is an understatement. But job listing site Glassdoor sifted through thousands of user reviews to come up with a list of the 50 most common interview questions. So brush up on […]

10 toughest interview questions

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So your CV has been picked out from the hundreds your prospective employer received. Now comes the hard part. Job site Glassdoor has searched through thousands of candidate testimonials over the last year to find the top 10 toughest interview questions. Topping out the list is retailer Topshop (no pun intended) with: “Which magic power […]