Today (7 April) is World Health Day and this year’s focus is on mental health. Ensuring good mental health in the workplace is vital to any organisation’s success but is often an area that is overlooked. According to leading cognitive health expert, author of Executive Function and founder of My Cognition Keiron Sparrowhawk, much more […]
mental health
My Cognition announces mental wellness workshop to celebrate World Health Day
New ‘Sit-Stand’ desks could boost productivity by 60%
Office supplies company Fellowes has announced the launch of the ‘next generation workstation,’ which hopes to boost European productivity by 60% and potentially save billions of Euros in the process. The move towards Sit-Stand technology aims to encourage active working as a way to retain talent, increase worker productivity, lower absence and reduce illness. Statistics […]
7 self-care tips for PAs
Tara Jackson, ex-PA and holistic self-care and wellbeing coach, gives us her top tips for taking care of yourself despite a busy schedule. Being a PA can be quite stressful. There are consistent demands on you and your time, you’re often juggling numerous tasks, to-do lists and diaries and you are also often trapped in […]
Half of UK bosses introduce schemes to tackle wellbeing
Employers across the UK are finding ways to support workers’ mental and physical health as research shows nearly two thirds of employees experience stress in the workplace. The study by Happiness Works and Robert Half UK revealed that 48% of businesses are offering tools to support wellbeing, while one in seven provide seminars and training […]
7 ways mindfulness can lead to happiness
Today marks the International Day for Happiness, and as you make your way through your Monday routine happiness may not be at the forefront of your mind. While many believe they’re in control of their lives, are you truly engaging with what life has to offer? Mindfulness expert Dana Zelicha has taken a look at […]
Workers never recover from unemployment
A study has revealed that people never bounce back from unemployment, creating a ‘new normal’ for our wellbeing that never returns to previous levels. Damaging health and wellbeing regardless of age, gender or nationality, unemployment is something that the mind never truly adapts to. Individuals examined in the study were found to have lower life […]
Five steps to strengthening your office resolve
AXA PPP healthcare have released a five point plan to help SME managers and employees boost their resilience as research reveals less resilient workers are more prone to losing motivation, less likely to adapt and will have their workplace performance impaired more than other workers. Just 15% of UK workers would rate British resilience as […]
Nearly half of working days lost due to job stress
Concern has been raised over the state of workers’ mental health as statistics show 45% of working days were lost in 2015-16 due to work related stress. With 488,000 cases of work related anxiety and depression during that timeframe, outsourced call centre Callcare has teamed up with experts across a variety of fields to try […]
Brits hardest workers in Europe
Employees in the UK work 68 days of overtime per year on average, with around 65% admitting that they were being unpaid, according to a study by TotallyMoney. Workers in Britain have been revealed to work the longest hours, take the shortest lunch breaks and have the fewest public holidays than any other country in […]
The mindful business
Successful but stressed? Follow a path to greater happiness. ESPA Life at Corinthia is the first UK spa to launch a suite of six unique mindfulness therapies. Amelia Walker checks in To many, ‘mindfulness’ is nothing but a buzzword and has something to do with sitting on a rock in yoga pants chanting ‘om’. Put […]
Are you approaching burnout?
Discover the burnout signs you need to look out for and how to reignite, says EA Abigail Jones Burnout, another way of describing multiple chronic stress over an extended period of time, is something that can affect anyone regardless of gender, age and job title. Millennial females are now experiencing it before the age of […]
Demanding bosses turn up the pressure on City stress
Demanding bosses and increased work burdens are turning up the pressure and stress levels for City of London workers, with staff expected to be always available, new research from MetLife shows. Its study among senior decision makers from financial institutions and investment banks found 95% say they are expected to be always available for work, […]
How to conquer loneliness in the workplace
Loneliness has been a hot topic in the news since a commission started by the late MP Jo Cox began investigating this nationwide epidemic. Several studies in the past have shown that loneliness at work can have a negative effect on staff productivity and engagement. If you’re feeling isolated in your job, here are some easy […]
How to stop multitasking and start unitasking
Business mindfulness expert Dana Zelicha of the Organisational Well Being Agency discusses how to stop multitasking and start unitasking to reduce stress at work Multitasking is a common practice with the many distractions people face throughout the day. The belief that multitasking helps us accomplish everything we have to get done, however, is a myth. […]
Tips for dealing with impostor syndrome
Have you had a promotion recently or received praise from your boss but don’t feel like you deserve it? You could be suffering from impostor syndrome, a phenomenon in which you can’t internalise your accomplishments and fear you might be found out as a fraud. If this sounds like you, follow these simple tips from […]
7 signs you’re approaching burnout at work
Stress is truly a silent killer. It builds up slowly until the pressure becomes too much for you to handle. However, you can stop it from getting that far if you pay attention to your body. Here are seven signs that you’re approaching burnout at work. 1 You’re cynical If you find yourself getting sarcastic […]
Brain activity unlocks link between stress and heart disease
It has long been known that those who experience high levels of stress are at greater risk of heart disease later in life. A new study has revealed why this occurs, and it turns out the problem starts in the brain. Research published in The Lancet looked at data collected from 300 people and found […]
Brits lose 2 years to a bad mood
To mark Blue Monday, a new study has found that the average Brit will spend a year and eight months of their life in a bad mood. Each day sees the average adult down in the dumps for a total of 41 minutes thanks to things such as a bad night’s sleep, technology problems, bad […]