Posts Tagged :

mental health


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The Cuddle Club is pleased to offer PA Life Club members 5% discount off their two to four hour Dog Therapy Office Visits. To take advantage of of our partner offers such as this as well as of our extensive programme of Club Meet Ups, FAM trips, competitions and discounted educational courses please join us. […]

Does your workplace culture support employees personal problems?

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Does your workplace offer a respectful culture for supporting employees’ personal problems and matters of contention? By Kate Warburton The writer Annie Dillard famously said “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives”, and for many of us, a large portion of our day is spent at work; in fact, […]

How to support the mental health of employees that work remotely

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Mental Health Awareness Week highlights loneliness as one of the key themes and explores how to best support the mental health of employees who work remotely. By Tanya Woolf, Head of Psychological Services at Onebright. What steps can business leaders take in order to better support their workforce? Remote working has brought greater challenges, loneliness […]

Menopause and brain fog – how to regain you mind

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Menopause and brain fog – expert advice on how to alleviate symptoms and regain you mind. You might have watched the new Channel 4 documentary presented by Davina McCall titled ‘Sex, Mind and the Menopause’. The programme explored the affects of menopause on the mind, symptoms that are experiences by many women, yet often less […]

Women leave their jobs due to increased stress levels

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Women in the UK blame increased stress at work for the reason they are likely to be leaving their jobs within the next two year. Nearly half (47%) of the women reported considering quitting their jobs due to stress. This is just one of the alarming UK-findings from Deloitte’s latest UK report ‘Women@Work’.  The study […]

More than three quarters of adults regularly claim to be ‘fine’ when they’re not

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A study of 2,000 Brits found they proclaim they’re ‘fine’ four times a day – 28 times over the course of a week. Yet, more than a third of the time (38 per cent) a person says the ‘f word’ (fine), they’re not being honest. More than two thirds (70 per cent) regularly say ‘I’m […]

How positive thinking impacts our performance

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Research has shown that we are around 31% more productive when we are positive than when we are stressed. 70% of our thoughts are negative and many of us still suffering with anxiety and burnout as a result of the pandemic, so how can we use positivity in the workplace, especially at a time like […]

Supporting women’s mental health in the workplace

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By Kayleigh Frost, Head of Clinical at Health Assured Tuesday 8 March is International Women’s Day: An event that celebrates women’s achievements, raises awareness against biases, and encourages action for equality. When it comes to the workplace, women face a range of issues. From pay gaps and balancing work and parenting, to menopause misconceptions. The face […]

Employers urged to be alert to eating disorders as staff return to offices

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RedArc is warning employers to be aware of a potential rise in the number of employees with new or recurring eating disorders, as staff return to the workplace. RedArc explains that eating disorders are complex and disabling mental health conditions that affect all ages, genders and backgrounds, and include bulimia, binge eating disorder, avoidant/restrictive food […]

Random Acts of Kindness Day: ‘Kindness should be standard in the workplace’

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When you think of random acts of kindness you may think of an unexpected gift of flowers, helping an old person across the road or paying somebody a compliment. What doesn’t spring to mind for most people is work. With random acts of kindness day happening on 17th February one company is calling for more […]

Need a winter pick me up? Try one of these…

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Brits have revealed the top pick-me-ups they rely on over the winter months, including putting on fresh bed sheets, eating the last bit of chocolate in the cupboard and dancing in the kitchen. A survey of 2,000 adults revealed the top 40 ways to raise a smile, with simple pleasures topping the list. A third […]

36 per cent of people are unhappy in their jobs

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Real estate is the industry which scored the lowest– followed by management, consulting and automotive. At the other end of the scale, education was deemed the happiest sector – with workers scoring high on having a clear sense of purpose. This was followed closely workers in aerospace and defence, and government and public administration which […]

Nearly 1 in 3 Brits want to return to the office this month for their mental health

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With the Omicron variant appearing to have peaked in the UK according to the ONS, research from Infogrid has revealed that nearly a third of working Brits (32%) want to return to their offices in January because they feel it would improve their mental health, which has been impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The top […]

Back to Work 2022: Taking care of your health and wellbeing

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Christmas decorations have been taken down and now it’s time for work to resume, and your diary is most likely already filling up fast. It can be difficult to get back into the swing of things but, it’s always important to remember to take care of your health and wellbeing. Jamie Anton, Group Director of […]

Lockdown learnings ‘can help maintain good mental health’ all year round

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With Blue Monday nearly upon us, RedArc is urging employers to remind staff that lessons learned during the early days of the pandemic can be applied to maintain good mental health permanently. The third Monday of January is traditionally known as the most depressing day of the year, brought about by post-Christmas debt, short days, […]

Research shows increase in mental health sick days following COVID-19 lockdown

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New research from NTT DATA UK, a world leader in consulting and IT services, has found that subsequent COVID-19 lockdowns, and increased anxiety around working in times of COVID, have resulted in a long-term increase of 5% in the proportion of fit notes issued for mental health reasons. A fit note is an official document […]

Brits enjoy their best sleep at age 24 – Then it’s downhill from there…

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Research of 2,000 adults found almost half are convinced they slept better during their youth, while only 24 per cent think it has improved as they’ve gotten older. The research also found 55 per cent of the nation ‘rarely’ or ‘never’ get enough sleep. The survey, commissioned by health and wellness company, dōTERRA, identified family […]

HOW TO: Recalibrate in 2022 – From your self-care matrix to avoiding toxic people

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Neuroscientist and business psychologist Dr Lynda Shaw (pictured, above) shares her top tips on how to recalibrate in 2022, from developing your self-care matrix to avoiding toxic people, in order to start the new year as you mean to go on…   Work on a positive self-fulfilling prophecy – Simply having the belief or expectation of […]