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Brits would be £25,397 better off each year if salaries increased at the same levels as inflation since 1987

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Savoo has delved into historical data covering the last 35 years to find out how disposable income has evolved compared with the cost of living and inflation rates, to show if we really are better or worse off. Whether it’s spending money on the big food shop or treating yourself to a cinema trip, disposable […]

Only 57% of employees always check their payslips

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Millions of UK workers may be at risk of being underpaid or overtaxed because they don’t regularly check their payslips, according to the results of a new survey. Polling over 1,000 people, HR and payroll software provider CIPHR found that nearly a quarter (22%) don’t regularly check their payslips, despite their importance for keeping track […]

Do you tell the people closest to you what you earn? Us neither

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A new poll by HR software provider CIPHR suggests that most British adults are reluctant to discuss their salary with friends and family, and even less so with their colleagues and co-workers. Over a third (36%) of the 1,005 workers surveyed admit that they don’t talk about their salary with their significant other (spouse or […]

UK lagging behind Europe for pension provision

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Retirees have put in decades of time and effort as part of their working life to prepare for retirement, counting on their pension to help maintain a comfortable future. However, the quality of state pensions varies drastically based on where you live – But which countries around the world have the best systems? Blacktower Financial […]

7 ways to save £126 a month when you go back to the office

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Looking forward to returning to the office and commuting, or dreading it? Either way, the folks at personal finance experts, Ocean Finance have shared seven ways to cut down costs at work:- Ditch takeaway coffees and save £410 per year The average coffee costs £2.63 so should you have one three days per week, this […]

Good Lord! Brits now spend £620 a year on subscriptions

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The UK remains a nation of ‘Super Subscribers’, with Brits spending £620 per year on subscriptions – up 12 per cent, from £552 just 12 months ago. Research of 2,000 adults found digital and ‘deliver to door’ is now such an integral part of Brits’ daily lives that eight in 10 UK households are signed […]

The average adult will cough up nearly £1million in bills over their lifetime

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The average adult will cough up nearly £1million in bills over their lifetime – and now spends more on tech than they do on utilities, a study has found. O2 research polling 2,000 UK adults found they will personally spend a total of £926,720 on gas, electricity, water, their phone and other bills. An average […]

If you’re not on top of your finances right now, you’re not alone

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One in five cash-strapped adults have no idea how much debt they’re in – and they don’t want to know either. A poll of 2,000 adults found 17 per cent would rather not find out the exact figure they owe, and 21 per cent don’t want to worry about something they feel they can’t do […]

In your thirties? You’re going to be part of the wealthiest generation

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Working adults in their thirties are on track to be the wealthiest generation – after research found they earn the highest salary, save more and have the most disposable income. A study into how much money the average person ‘has’ in each decade of their life revealed those aged 30 to 39 earn an average […]

Feeling the pinch? You’re not alone

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The majority of Brits are still living in the ‘age of austerity’, more than 10 years after the recession, a study has found. A term popularised in 2009 during a keynote speech delivered by ex-Prime Minister, David Cameron, the ‘age of austerity’ was coined to highlight attempts to curtail government spend and stabilise the economy […]

NATIONAL STRESS AWARENESS MONTH: Money worries plague UK workers

  • Katy
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One third of UK workers (32 per cent) have admitted to suffering mental health issues due to money worries. That’s according to a new poll from GettaSub, the short-term employee finance provider.  The survey, which quizzed 2,000 workers across the country about their financial well-being, sheds fresh light on the huge pressures facing employees in […]

More Brits getting their ‘side hustle’ on

  • Katy
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More Brits in full-time employment are taking on an extra job, or ‘side hustle,’ to compliment their full time salary. In fact, the research from Hiscox shows that one in four Brits are a ‘side hustler.’ Usually flexible in nature, these secondary projects can take many forms, from freelance work to selling handicrafts. And, while […]

Are money worries affecting you?

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New research has found that 77 per cent of employees have revealed that stresses about money have impacted them at work. Do you often feel concerned about your cashflow? You’re not alone, as the vast majority of UK employees (94 per cent) are suffering from money worries. According to new research from Close Brothers, 77 […]

Not paid enough to care?

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When many of us get asked to complete tasks at work that make us overly stressed, we often resort to completing the job while well in the knowledge that we aren’t paid anywhere near the amount of our boss – whose job it actually is to complete the task or make the decision. PAs are […]

Top tips for getting your finances in check for the New Year

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With the country in full swing in terms of the run-up to Christmas, Black Friday deals were the last chance to grab some bargains before the shops prepare for the holiday season. But is the shopping event of the year really worth it? Keith Harrison, content creator and writer for Jolly Good Loans investigates.  With Christmas just […]

How to give your office a makeover without breaking the budget

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To help give some ideas on how you can give your office a makeover without breaking the budget, founder of and money saving expert at PIWoP, Charlie Stopford Sackville, shares his top tips. As the weather begins to cool down, employees are starting to spend more time inside the office rather than going out into […]

5 top tips for salary offers & negotiation

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Do you know your worth? More importantly, do you know how to negotiate your salary to match what you are worth? Aaron Wallis, sales recruitment, has collated a series of tips for offering the right salary package to candidates. Offering the right salary is crucial when looking to recruit top talent: offer a package too […]

which degrees will earn you the highest and lowest salary

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This week new data has revealed which degree courses will earn its graduates the highest and lowest salaries. The results are based on employment five years after graduation.   The data, analysed by Propillo as part of its graduate affordability study, has revealed that those with degrees in medicine and dentistry can expect to earn an average salary of […]

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