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Posts Tagged :

office catering

1 in 10 office workers skip lunch as their breaks are too short

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More than 1 in 10 office workers end up regularly or always skipping lunch as they’re not given enough time on their break to purchase food, a new survey reveals. The Lacklustre Lunch Breaks Survey, from Just Eat for Business, asked the nation’s office workers about how often they skip their lunch breaks at work, […]

It’s Friday, it’s cold and it’s January – time for pizza!

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We’ve made it to the end of the first week back to work for most of us following the festive break. The first week in the longest, gloomiest month of the year. So, the team here at PA Life suggest that you ditch the diet plan for now and enjoy some good food – with […]

How the office lunch is changing

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The food delivery service has evolved significantly since the last 250 years – the trusty sandwich lovingly created by the servants of the Earl of Sandwich is a far cry from the kinds of treats we have on our doorsteps today. Sam Hurst, CEO of business catering firm Grazing, shares his views… Whatever you desire for your office lunch, […]