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How to nip ‘presenteeism’ in the bud to avoid rising absenteeism in 2022

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New research from Canada Life has revealed that a third (35%) of UK adults have continued to work while feeling unwell in the past 18 months, rising to almost half (46%) among those aged 18-34 years. They also found that almost one-third (32%) of those working from home felt more pressure regarding presenteeism – where […]

Top tips for preventing presenteeism in the ‘virtual’ workplace

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By Kayleigh Frost, Head of Clinical Support at Health Assured… Presenteeism is a serious issue. People continuing to attend the office when sick, stressed, or burnt-out is a vicious cycle. If you’re already suffering, working through it isn’t going to make it any better. You might spend time at your desk, but when you’re unable […]

Third of employers not helping long-term absent employees return to work

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A third of employers (31 per cent) do not make any early  interventions to help staff return  to work in the event that they’re absent for longer than six months owing to ill health, disability or injury. Similarly, thirty-two per cent of employers don’t have any financial support in place for staff if they are […]

Coronavirus: Why employers need to do more to tackle presenteeism

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In the last decade, presenteeism – the act of working more hours than required – has tripled in the UK with more than 4 in 5 people observing it compared to just a quarter in 2010. As coronavirus (Covid-19) continues to spread, both within the UK and globally, employers should be discouraging, and tackling, ‘presenteeism’ […]

Presenteeism ‘inadvisable for businesses during coronavirus outbreak’

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We asked Hira Ali, author of Her Way To The Top: A Guide To Smashing The Glass Ceiling, to explain more about presenteeism amidst the coronavirus outbreak… Why do some people suffer from presenteeism more than others? Being absent or working from home is traditionally associated with laziness. There is also a long standing office […]

8 of 10 Brits admit to ‘presenteeism’ in the workplace

  • Katy
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‘Presenteeism’ – that is, coming back to work when still ill – has more than tripled since 2010. According to a recent CIPD survey, 86 per cent of employees admitting they had observed Presenteeism in the workplace. Research by the Centre of Mental shows Presenteeism from Mental Health alone is estimated to cost the UK […]

Cold winters lower productivity levels

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More than two-thirds of workers believe they are less productive and have lower concentration levels during the winter season compared to the warmer summer months. Today, Blue Monday, is statistically the day of the year when most people feel unproductive and unmotivated. So, it may come as no surprise that the cold weather is among […]

Do working parents lose out?

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UK businesses need to do more to help working parents balance their professional lives and family commitments without making staff feel unfairly judged, stressed and anxious. A major new survey of 1,400 working parents by has revealed that 75% of working parents are suffering from stress and anxiety as a result of trying to […]

Job insecurity is behind the rise in presenteeism

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Presenteeism is being talked about much more openly nowadays, due to the health problems related to it being much more acknowledged. But, why do people still do it? According to Adrian Lewis, director at Activ Absence the answer is job insecurity. Nine out of ten UK employees (92%) have gone into work despite being sick this […]

Top stories of the week

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As we continue to keep you informed on what’s happening in the events world and keep you up to date, don’t forget to check us out on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. 1. The funniest ‘out of office’ responses It’s August, and statistically most UK holiday time is taken during this month. You’ll notice that it […]

Over 8 in 10 employees admit observing presenteeism in the workplace

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It’s become a lot more common for people to go to work whilst they are ill, taking a ‘sick day’ has become much less common. However, could those coming to work instead of taking a sick day actually harm your company more? Research by the instant group looks into just that. The number of lost […]