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Following a morning routine makes you more productive

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Research has found that 9 in 10 of those following a morning routine are highly productive, with the effects manifesting throughout their daily lives.  Finding the time to fit in a morning routine isn’t always easy, but the process doesn’t have to be exhaustive.To prove this, Reviva Coffee worked with founder and CEO of WinItClinic, […]

Unpaid overtime in UK workplaces, impacting employee retention and business performance

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An embedded culture of overwork and unpaid overtime in UK workplaces is taking a severe toll on business and workers, according to new research released today by Protime UK. The research, conducted among 2,000 UK employees, found excessive workloads and unrealistic expectations from managers are driving a work environment that undermines employee, motivation, productivity, retention […]

Flexible working is now a legal right

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The news are out and we are pleased to share that requesting flexible working is now a legal right for all workers from the day they enter a new job. Shai Aharony, CEO of digital PR agency Reboot Online shares his experience with implementing generous flexible working policies such as a four-day working week on […]

Poor time management is damaging British business

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Poor time management is the biggest growing threat to British business, according to new research. Studies commissioned by online printing company Instantprint have revealed that those that don’t optimise their time find themselves facing a major growth barrier. One in 10 workers find themselves with less than an hour a week dedicated to focussing on […]

Volunteering helps productivity and adds £4.6 billion to UK economy each year

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Volunteering helps to deliver productivity gains worth billions to the UK economy each year, a new study finds and could also support jobseekers back into work, says new report. The report by Pro Bono Economics (PBE), commissioned by national volunteering charity Royal Voluntary Service, estimates productivity gains worth at least £4.6 billion each year, or […]

Volunteering boosts productivity and adds £4.6 billion to UK economy each year

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Volunteering boosts productivity that’s estimated to be worth billions to the UK economy each year, a new study finds. nteering boosts productivity . The report by Pro Bono Economics (PBE), commissioned by national volunteering charity Royal Voluntary Service, estimates productivity gains worth at least £4.6 billion each year, or £4,551 per volunteer(1), arising from volunteering […]

How to hold attention: Distracted minds cost UK economy £19.9bn a year, QEII research reveals

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Scrolling on social media, checking messages, daydreaming and other distractions are costing the UK economy a staggering £19.9 billion each year, groundbreaking new research by The QEII Centre has revealed. The report: ‘The Distracted Economy: We are losing focus – how to hold attention and keep delegates engaged during business meetings and events’ commissioned by […]

How can tech boost productivity across different departments?

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Recent conversations around technology in businesses have been around artificial intelligence (AI) and automation of tasks, with a survey by Slack finding that 83% of desk workers believe it could enable them to produce more impactful work. AI is predicted to continue becoming more prevalent and integrate more into businesses across every sector. It could […]

Outdated and inaccessible information within businesses costs the UK economy over £25 billion a year

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Outdated and inaccessible information within some of the UK’s largest businesses is costing the UK economy a staggering £25 billion every year, with many existing learning resources considered “useless”, according to new research. The landmark global study, carried out by digital learning transformation firm OBRIZUM, surveyed 1,000 enterprise decision makers and 1,000 knowledge workers across […]

Using bank holidays to boost productivity

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With yet another bank holiday happening next week, UK employees are braced for some all-important extra days off. But what does that mean for productivity? For most, a four-day week still means five days’ worth of work. Coupled with the fact that many people take extra time off during public holidays, it can leave employees […]

Please step forward if you are an ambivert

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Thom Dennis, CEO at Serenity in Leadership, talks about the advantages of being an ambivert. Would you know an ambivert if you met one? If you are someone who possesses both introverted and extroverted traits, and your behaviour can naturally shift depending on the environment you are in, then you might be the ideal candidate […]

Creating a Smart Working Environment: Strategies for Productivity

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The modern workplace is in a constant state of flux, and it’s more important than ever that employers create a smart working environment that promotes productivity and engagement. When employees are encouraged to work smarter, not harder, they can achieve the same results in less time, leading to a more productive and successful workplace. The […]

How businesses can benefit of employees bringing hobbies to work

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Dakota Murphey discusses a fairly new add-on to the tools of improving employee wellbeing, and ultimately workplace productivity. That’s business benefiting of employees bringing hobbies to work. We often think of hobbies as something that we do exclusively in our free time. Something for us to enjoy in the hours away from work. And it […]

Employee Appreciation Day: how Employers can show recognition to staff

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Employee Appreciation Day is arguably more important than ever this time around. Against a backdrop of the Great Resignation, a cost-of-living crisis and an uncertain economic future, employees want to feel that they are valued by their employer and that they are being rewarded for it. If not, you risk losing staff, as Blackhawk Network […]

Beat the back-to-work blues and keep your exercise resolution

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Here’s how to beat the back-to-work blues and keep your fitness resolution when you’re stuck in the office or home office. January is officially the bleakest month of the year. It’s cold outside, you’re broke and you’re stuck in the office making it difficult to kick-start your health and fitness resolution.  Just because you can’t […]

Beating Procrastination with five easy productivity techniques

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Beating procrastination, especially in this heat, is a real challenge for many of us. Kathy Soulsby from Personally Virtual shares her top five tips for productivity techniques you can fit into your day. Most PAs I know thrive on being busy. We love the fast pace of ever-changing diaries and get a kick from the […]

4 TikTok productivity hacks that are perfect for the office

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A viral video by @rajpatelofficial7 explaining the Four Quarters method has over 2.4 million views on TikTok. The method sounds simple — you simply divide your day into four equal parts that are four hours long each, comprising early morning, late morning, afternoon, and evening. By setting these rigid boundaries, you get two main benefits. […]

Indecisive at work or not so sure? You’re not alone…

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A poll of 2,000 adults found they spend an estimated three hours a day deciding what to have to eat, what time to go to bed and what to wear and watch. But the average adult admits to changing their mind twice per decision, with more than one in 10 (11 per cent) doing so […]