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Signs That You’ve Got A Good Boss

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Numerous studies have shown that almost 80% of employees are likely to quit their jobs due to ungrateful bosses. Thousands of organisations in the UK, and worldwide, have proven that no company can grow without growing its leaders first. The success of an organisation or venture relies on the performance of its employees. Therefore, leaders must treat […]

It’s time for the Great Re-engagement

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2021 was full of talk about ‘the great resignation’ with people purported to be leaving their jobs in droves as one of the consequences of Covid inspired them to want and expect more from their employers.  For some businesses this may have driven change but for others change has not been so forthcoming. Now, one […]

Which are the UK’s most productive and over-worked cities?

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Work management software Scoro has released a new study focusing on productivity in the UK. Based on a survey of over 2,000 respondents, it offers fascinating insights on the most productive cities and sectors, as well as where people feel most overworked, their attitude towards hybrid working and the key distractions for office and remote […]

Do what this neuroscientist does every day for good brain health in 2022

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The brain is the command centre of the nervous system and is responsible for our thoughts, emotions, memory, movement and more, and is vital in preserving and activating every aspect of the body, both mental and physical. There are several different ways to keep your brain healthy starting with a bottom-up approach (factors that change […]

Business Productivity: 3 Digital Tools to Boost Your Team’s Efficiency & Morale

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What makes a business profitable and successful? Is it hiring the right people? Focusing on your most profitable products and services? What about productivity? In today’s digital world, we have tools at our fingertips that allow us to do more in our workday, making our people and ultimately our businesses more productive. But where do […]

More than half of employers feel they don’t know their employees, new survey reveals

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Some 53 per cent of the nation’s employers that they don’t know their employees even slightly well on a personal level, a new office worker survey has revealed. The Lunch Break Bonding survey, conducted by Just Eat for Business, delves into office workers’ perception of social lunch breaks, scheduled meetings and team building events, and is paired with […]

Two fifths of employers say men postpone health issues which causes workplace disruption

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Two fifths of employers (39%) say that their male employees wait until a health problem becomes severe before talking to their line manager or HR department, which in turn leads to team or workplace disruption. That’s according to new research from Peppy, which also found that 37% of employers say that one of the main issues […]

Bored of work? The typical Brit needs a break every 46 days

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A survey of 2,000 adults found their tiredness levels, effectiveness at work and general mood suffers if they wait any longer before enjoying a trip away. A third also admit they find it harder to concentrate if they go without a holiday for too long. However, those polled only manage to escape the daily grind […]

Engagement levels drop by nearly two-thirds for those expecting to leave jobs

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Recent research reveals that over 1 in 8 UK employees (13%) expect to leave their current jobs within 12 months, with engagement levels dropping by 60% compared to those who intend to stay in their current roles. For those expecting to leave their roles, current engagement rates stand at 36%. This is compared to an […]

Here’s what Brits do to wake up every morning

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Sleepy Brits hit the alarm snooze button for at least 15 minutes each morning and function on ‘autopilot’ until they feel fully awake – half an hour after starting work A study of 2,000 adults found the average alarm is set for 6.54am, before they actually get out of bed at 7.12am. But it’s another 29 minutes before people feel awake and ready to start the day – although men need an […]

FUN FACT: You’ll spend just over three years of your life on video calls for work

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A typical adult will also spend two years of their lives online shopping and a further three years on social media. Streaming music accounts for another three years – the equivalent of 52 minutes a day – while checking emails amounts to a total of two years and four months over the average adult lifetime. […]

Need a pick me up? Here are the top 40 Brit boosters

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Brits need three ‘boosts’ to get them through a typical day – with the first required as early as 9:12am. Research of 2,000 adults revealed those aged between 18-24 need the most boosts, with adults between 55-64 requiring least. The biggest pick-me-ups were found to be getting some good news, the sun shining and getting […]

Back in the office and struggling to concentrate? 6 ways to boost your productivity levels

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Now that workers are back in the office, some people may be finding it difficult to concentrate in this environment after working from home for so long – but how can you fix this? Below, experts at Office Furniture Online give their top tips on how you can improve your productivity levels in the office. Temperature As […]

Is your business comms setup costing you time and money?

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More than half of UK businesses could be losing time and money by failing to adopt a consolidated approach to business communications, according to a new survey conducted by smart IP communications provider Fuse 2 Communications. The survey of more than 500 employers and employees found that 52% of businesses are currently relying on separate […]

New productivity podcast launches to help maximise workplace potential

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Nestlé Coffee Partners has shared research revealing that 7 out of 10 employees feel more productive and have better work ideas after a cup of coffee. More than a third of respondents (39%) came back and cracked a problem, 12% won a contract or new piece of work, and 17% spotted new business ideas. The […]

Two thirds of Brits are stuck in a ‘Groundhog Day’ existence, say boffins

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Millions of adults have such repetitive days that 63 per cent frequently have to ask what day it is, with 51 per cent saying this is because their days are so similar. A third of the 2,000 adults polled said they have felt like they’ve been on autopilot when doing something familiar. With two in […]

Does your work computer give you the rage? You’re not alone…

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Most remote workers are so fed up with their faulty work laptops that they would rather throw them out the window. A survey of 2,000 employed Americans found more than half (58%) describe their work devices as awful to work on — and two in three want to toss their devices out of frustration because […]

10 steps to maximum productivity

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Working at home and struggling to maintain productivity? For the majority of Brits currently working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and for those looking to do more home working in the future, flexible office specialist, Workthere, has shared 10 tips on how you can create an office space that leads to maximum productivity. 1. Make a list […]