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Two thirds of Brits are stuck in a ‘Groundhog Day’ existence, say boffins

Millions of adults have such repetitive days that 63 per cent frequently have to ask what day it is, with 51 per cent saying this is because their days are so similar.

A third of the 2,000 adults polled said they have felt like they’ve been on autopilot when doing something familiar.

With two in 10 admitting to regularly drifting through life without giving any thought to what they’re actually doing.

And 81 per cent say their days have become more repetitive during the last 18 months, with weekdays being the most cyclical.

Although, 54 per cent said they would be happy to experience the same day over and over if it was their perfect day.

With having good weather, being on holiday and not having to work amongst the ingredients for the perfect day.

The survey, by OnePoll and commissioned by, revealed that the top things Brits do the same way every day are eating, showering and dressing.

As many as one in six people have the same breakfast every single day, and a further 68 per cent say they find themselves repeating the same meals regularly.

But there are some aspects Brits enjoy about their routine – such as feeling organised, not liking change and managing work patterns.

And 48 per cent said they liked having a set daily routine, with the younger generation (18- to 24-year-olds) preferring a routine most.

Half even said they fear change, with a third saying they are in a comfortable rut and 21 per cent feeling too anxious to alter their schedule.

Furthermore, 28 per cent can’t remember the last time they did something on the spur of the moment and six per cent never do things unplanned.

But 54 per cent wish they were more spontaneous, but they are often held back by things being too expensive, not having enough time and a lack of ideas.

For those who like to do things on the spur of the moment, going out for food, going on a walk and day trips are the most common spontaneous activities. Six per cent even have spontaneously quit a job.


1.           Eating                  44 per cent

2.           Showering          40 per cent

3.           Dressing             38 per cent

4.           Cooking                             31 per cent

5.           Watch TV (One episode of a box set every night for example)      30 per cent

6.           Cleaning             29 per cent

7.           Going to work   27 per cent

8.           Going for a walk              25 per cent

9.           Getting ready for work  25 per cent

10.         Shopping            23 per cent