Posts Tagged :

regular breaks

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95% of UK employees are neglecting microbreaks when WFH

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Statistics from a recent study shows that microbreaks have decreased for 95% of employees during home working, as lockdown sees us glued to our desks more than ever before – highlighting the need for companies to do more to support their workforce. The ‘Working from home’ study, conducted by remote team building company Wildgoose asked employees […]

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How to motivate yourself to get back to work in January

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Going back to work in January is for most people, the least motivated you’ll feel all year, due to the early sunsets and dragging ourselves out of bed after enjoying a week of lie-ins. Vincenzo Ferrara shares some helpful hints below to give you the best advice that should help you feel more awake and motivated […]

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How to get the most out of your team

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Steve Norris, sales director and head of workplace at Nestlé Professional, shares some valuable tips on how employers can build stronger team relationships in the workplace 80 per cent of employees say a strong bond with colleagues is fundamental to happiness at work. That’s not all, positive work relationships encourage staff retention with nearly two-thirds […]