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Posts Tagged :

safe office

Award-winning entrepreneur Emily Newstead to present at PA Life LIVE – including a live giveaway!

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Join us this Wednesday for the PA Life LIVE digital conference where you’ll have the opportunity to learn from the inspiring Emily Newstead of Bow Gifts. She will present a session on Corporate Gifting and Staff Rewards & Incentives – an area which has become even more important during the Covid-19 pandemic. During the session […]

Learn how to future-proof your role – Lucy Brazier to keynote at PA Life LIVE

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Join us at this month’s PA Life LIVE digital conference and be inspired by one of the leading names in administration – Lucy Brazier. She will present the opening keynote session, Future-Proofing Your Role – How To Position Yourself for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond. It’s part of a full-day of conference sessions designed […]

Call to make face masks compulsory in all offices and workspaces

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Making face masks compulsory in all common areas of offices and workspaces would increase employee confidence and help convince staff it is safe to return to our cities and get back to work, says office provider “We desperately need everyone back at work, and the confusion about whether it’s safe or not is not […]