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Posts Tagged :

stress relief

5 Incredible Travel Experiences Personal Assistants Should Try 

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Personal Assistants are the heart of organisations, working side by side with executives and company leaders and playing an essential role in supporting decisions. While it’s a very fulfilling job, it can also be stressful. Personal Assistants should, therefore, take some time off and travel to some beautiful destinations as a way to relieve stress.  […]

Do Not Disturb: How to Help Staff Disconnect After Work Hours

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With all that has happened in the last couple of years, it is fair to say that our lives have been completely overturned. If commuting to the office every morning used to be the norm, more and more employees are now working from their bedroom, kitchen table or home office on a regular basis. This […]

Eight ways to reduce stress in the workplace

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As businesses start to reopen and staff return to the workplace, Kayleigh Frost, Head of Clinical Support at Health Assured offers some advice on how to avoid stress in the workplace… It’s been quite the year for everyone, and while things are beginning to look a bit better, the added pressure of returning to work may […]

How can music affect your mood and reduce stress?

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Did you know that listening to music has both a mental and physical impact on your body? While most of us listen to music for entertainment, we should also know that it can help boost your overall wellbeing. From reducing stress and improving cognitive performance, to encouraging and inspiring creativity, the power of music is […]

Stress: 5 problems it causes & 5 ways to get it under control

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With the effects of the pandemic and stressors surrounding Covid-19, stress-related absence is up 64% from 2019, and there has been a 39% increase in leave due to stress year on year. Short term stress can be good in small doses, as it can focus the mind, provide motivation and energise the body, which helps […]

Don’t feel guilty about taking that break!

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The average UK worker takes just two breaks a day for a total of only 24 minutes – but nearly half feel guilty for taking any time out. A study of 2,000 employees found more than six in 10 feel they don’t take enough breaks during the working day. And one in 10 don’t take […]


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Stressed out Brits are being consumed by their lack of sleep, financial worries and struggles with staying in shape for more than 12 hours per week, a new study has found. A survey of 2,023 UK drivers conducted by Auto Trader has revealed that one in three adults feel the effects of stress on a regular […]

How to keep up appearances when you’re having a bad day

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Becoming the victim of a bad day where nothing is going right need not be the end of the world. It’s especially important for PAs to maintain a professional attitude no matter how they’re feeling. Luckily, The Muse has created this handy list of ways to avoid becoming a buzzkill if things aren’t going your […]

App of the week: Calm

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Welcome back to our weekly spotlight on helpful apps. We focus on a variety of products that are useful for work, personal use, or both, providing our own thoughts on the apps and what you can do with them. This week we learn to relax with meditation exercises from Calm. An intro to calm Meditation is […]

Study identifies two reasons for burnout

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A new study conducted at the University of Zurich shows job burnout may be caused by a disconnect between an employee’s needs and the characteristics of his or her job. This mismatch between personality and work environment makes people more prone to burnout. In other words, if you’re an outgoing person and your job inhibits […]

UK employees don’t spend time outside during work week

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A survey conducted by Center Parcs Conferences & Events has revealed that 15% of workers spend no time outside in a nature-like environment during the working week, with 51% of respondents stating that they only spend time outside during lunch or as part of their commute. Significantly, 89% of workers indicated that they would like […]

9 quick ways to de-stress at work

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Stress is a given for the majority of employees. Even if you’re not the type to get stressed out often, there will inevitably be times when it all just gets a bit too much. But you don’t need to be a work-life balance guru to find relief. Here are nine quick tips to de-stress at […]

A splash of colour

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Colouring books are no longer just play things for children. Adult versions have made best-selling lists over the past year, offering stressed-out grown ups a creative escape from the pressures of the world. Molly Dyson interviews the experts to find out what makes these intricate doodles so popular Remember the days when you were a […]

Nearly 1 in 7 adults now use colouring books in the workplace

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Workers around the UK are swapping their keyboards for crayons, with almost one in seven (14%) using colouring books at work for productivity and relaxation, a new study has revealed. A survey by global office supplier Staples has found we’re becoming a nation of colourists, with almost a third (29%) of UK adults owning an […]