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Top tips

PA Profile: Anita Payne, Assistant at Schroders

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Our recent PA Profile interview is with Anita Payne, Assistant at Pan European Equities at Schroders. She shares her top tips and insights from her role, and discusses the rapidly changing workplace, plus the need to look after the wellbeing of you and your team. What was your journey like into your career as a […]

Agiito’s CCO offers his top tips for traveller wellbeing 

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As corporate travel volumes return, business travel programmes have renewed focus on wellbeing and duty of care. TMCs can minimise organisational and personal risks to travellers, while helping reduce stress and anxiety levels on- the-move. Steve Banks, Chief Commercial Officer for Agiito, shares his tips to improve business traveller wellbeing for your organisation. 1. Know […]

HOW TO: Recalibrate in 2022 – From your self-care matrix to avoiding toxic people

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Neuroscientist and business psychologist Dr Lynda Shaw (pictured, above) shares her top tips on how to recalibrate in 2022, from developing your self-care matrix to avoiding toxic people, in order to start the new year as you mean to go on…   Work on a positive self-fulfilling prophecy – Simply having the belief or expectation of […]

Top tips to support a multi-generational workforce

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Following the recent National Older Workers Week – which aims to help businesses manage multigenerational teams and eliminate ageism – Steve Butler, CEO, Punter Southall Aspire, recommends employers take a fresh approach to supporting older workers… Butler has published four books, including Manage the Gap: Achieving success with intergenerational teams, which looks at the impact of […]

‘Shy girl’ author offers introverted women secrets for success

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Melitta Campbell, an award-winning international business coach and best-selling author of ‘A Shy Girl’s Guide to Networking,’ is helping other introverted female entrepreneurs build their businesses and create thriving networks using her VICTORY formula, insights and lessons learnt over her 25 years in business. As an introvert, getting out into the ‘networksphere’ was always a battle for […]

TOP TIPS: The secrets to fruitful COVID-safe event planning

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With physical gatherings back on the corporate agenda Russell Allen (pictured, right), owner of team interactions specialist Fruitful, offers some top tips for creating a truly stand out event… As we emerge from the effects of the pandemic and social distancing restrictions, which sort of corporate events are your clients looking to organise right now? […]

Top tech tips to tackle cyber risks posted by hybrid working

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As workers have been urged to “return to work gradually”, IT experts have revealed the cyber risks faced to businesses operating a hybrid working model and how they can tackle them. Remote working creates challenges for IT services and cyber security as many working away from the office can often be without the data and network protection they may have at work. A businesses IT support […]

10 steps to maximum productivity

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Working at home and struggling to maintain productivity? For the majority of Brits currently working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and for those looking to do more home working in the future, flexible office specialist, Workthere, has shared 10 tips on how you can create an office space that leads to maximum productivity. 1. Make a list […]

How To: Save time in the office

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Managing your time in the office is no mean feat. With a huge list of things to do and so little time, it’s not unusual to sometimes feel a little out of your depth. So, what can you do to make the most of the hours you spend sat at your desk? Well, thanks to […]

Top 5 tips to get through repetitive work

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Repetitive work can be really tough on employees mentally and physically, so it’s very important to keep teams motivated and engaged in this type of working environment in order to keep productivity at its peak. Here are some tips from music licensing company PPL PRS to help ensure your employees and team members feel fully […]

Top tips for preventing presenteeism in the ‘virtual’ workplace

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By Kayleigh Frost, Head of Clinical Support at Health Assured… Presenteeism is a serious issue. People continuing to attend the office when sick, stressed, or burnt-out is a vicious cycle. If you’re already suffering, working through it isn’t going to make it any better. You might spend time at your desk, but when you’re unable […]

How to achieve ‘deep focus’ and boost your productivity

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Dazed, delirious and distracted. Does that sound like you? Do you ever get to 3pm and wonder where the day has gone and why there aren’t more things crossed off your to-do list? Don’t worry, everyone feels like that sometimes. But, according to the experts at music licensing company PPL PRS, there are some very simple things […]

Tips and tricks on welcoming new hires in a remote workplace

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By Lorna Boyer, Marketing and PR, Eventurous Ltd  Finding ways to make new employees feel welcome, and integrate them into a team that’s working remotely, has become a new challenge for HR and recruitment staff everywhere. This past year, businesses across the world have found themselves quickly implementing new plans for working remotely. Employees who […]

How to make the first steps back into live events

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By Nicholas Bills, Managing Director, Glaziers Hall As the number of people getting vaccinated increases, and the number of Covid cases drops, the chances of live events returning soon increases. However, we need to continue to be careful, so that we don’t see case numbers go back up, leading us back into another lockdown. So […]

Six red flags that you need better WFH boundaries

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By Megan Boyle, Senior Content Manager at Bolton SEO agency, The Audit Lab Whether you love it or hate it, working from home has become the new norm in 2021 for thousands of people all across the country. The upsides? Working in comfies, working from bed, doing yoga on your lunch break and giving your […]

Top Ten Tips to Create Exceptional Customer Experiences 

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By Gavin Scott, Author and Founder of LOAF Training Here are ten top tips for providing excellent customer service… 1. The power of a smile This is so simple, but you will be amazed at how many people do not do it! Without it, the rest of these tips will not work. If you smile […]

How to juggle home schooling while working as an EA

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By Louise Stevenson, Operations Manager & EA to CEO, Criton Juggling balls, spinning plates; whatever you want to call it, parents are no strangers to multi-tasking. The last 12 months however have felt like slightly more than your average parental balancing act (like fire juggling, whilst being pelted with tomatoes, on a unicycle, with your […]

Top tips for influencer marketing

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By Emma Lee, Associate Director, Rochester PR Group Influencer marketing can be a powerful tool for your brand, but it can also be a daunting task if it’s new to you. Here are some top tips for influencer marketing: DON’T do it for the sake of doing it: Your brand is one of a kind, […]