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Winter is coming: Prepare your firm with this handy guide

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Companies across the UK and Ireland are being urged to secure staff safety this winter, by proactively stocking up with essential equipment to prevent workplace accidents and productivity loss. According to University College London, the UK is set to face freezing Arctic conditions and the lowest temperatures in decades. To support businesses through this expected […]

Brits spend the equivalent of four and a half months of their life talking about the weather

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The average Brit spends the equivalent of four and a half months of their life talking about the weather, a study has revealed. A poll of 2,000 adults has found the classic British stereotype of nattering about the weather is true, with the subject coming up three times in a typical day. And with each […]

Four things you should be doing to prepare for a big meeting

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Business meetings often require a substantial degree of preparation; we tirelessly brainstorm, work collectively to ensure all necessary paperwork is in order, rehearse our presentations to within an inch of perfection and hope that in turn, we’ll close the deal. However, whilst our track record might boast regular success, meetings sometimes don’t go quite to […]

How to weather the storm

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The unpredictable British weather can play havoc with outdoor events. Amy Braund, sales and event manager at the Bingham, reveals her tips on how to combat its unreliable behaviour and why you shouldn’t let the weather hold your event back. Love it or hate it, the British are known as a nation of weatherobsessives among […]

Snowy conditions ‘build trust’ with remote workers

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Experts are encouraging bosses to treat dangerous weather conditions as an opportunity to build trust with workers stuck at home amid fears that businesses will lose revenue from poor flexible working policies. Brits nationwide have been left to face potentially dangerous road conditions and power outages following a cold snap this weekend, and bosses could […]