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Fat Cat Friday: Top execs have already earned an average worker’s wage

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Top bosses are earning more than 133 times than the average worker, a new report by CIPD has found. It’s only the first week of January and plenty of us are still feeling the sting on our bank balances following the expenses of Christmas and New Year, however there are a select few whose wallets […]

Londoners now face the longest commute, reveals study

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The average daily commute has increased by 18 hours compared to over a decade ago, with many workers travelling for up to 58 minutes both ways. Getting to and from work now takes five minutes longer, according to new analysis published by the TUC, which marks the annual Commute Smart Week organised by Work Wise […]

30% of workers don’t feel as if they have a good work/life balance

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A survey carried out by Automatic Data Processing (ADP) reveals that almost a third of UK workers are struggling to establish a good work/life balance. With technology improving at such a rapid rate, and the modern office opening up its interiors to become more hybrid workspaces, UK workers are struggling to clock-off, a study by Automatic Data Processing (ADP) has shown. The study, […]

Is your office’s décor effecting your productivity?

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Do you work in a drab office and are feeling anything but inspired? It could be due to your office surroundings that are limiting your productivity. Workplace productivity is being impeded as a direct result of dated office design, according to the Meeting Expectations report, released today by K2 Space. Following a survey of 1,000 Brits […]

1 in 10 workers addicted to coffee

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Caffeine could be the office ‘crack’, according to new research, which claims that 10 per cent of British workers think they’re addicted to coffee. The research found that almost a fifth (19 per cent) said their work would suffer if their morning coffee was taken away, and the same number believe they are unable to […]

UK employees struggle to ‘switch off’ from work on holiday

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British workers still feel like they have to work on holiday, with one third admitting they can only completely shut off when they go on a long-haul trip. A poll of 2,000 employees discovered that one in five are more likely to answer calls from the office or respond to emails if they are close […]

9m workers would ‘dread’ discussing their mental wellbeing with their superiors

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As Mental Health Awareness Week kicks off, almost one third of UK employees have revealed that they would not feel comfortable talking to their manager about mental health problems. Researchers have discovered that in excess of nine million workers would ‘dread’ discussing their mental wellbeing with their superior due to a fear of being judged. […]

Experts solve what a splash of milk really means

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Researchers have determined how much a splash of milk really is when making a cup of tea. A study of 2,000 UK adults found that a splash is exactly five ml, which is precisely four fifths of a teaspoon. A splash of milk should not be confused with a drop though, which equates to six […]

Are you one of the most stressed employees in the UK?

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New research carried out by Perkbox has found that men from Cardiff aged between 25 and 34 who work in finance with over 250 employees are the most stressed. A study of 3,000 UK employees as part of the 2018 UK Workplace Stress Report, found that 46 per cent experience stress related to families, while […]

Brits are losing £1.3b in unused annual leave

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More than six million full time workers are clocking up £1.3 billion a year in unused annual leave. Employees are losing out on the days they failed to take this year, with 27% forgoing an average of two days’ holiday as their annual leave calendars reset at the end of the year.New research based on […]

Office workers aren’t making the most of breaks

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Office workers are not making the most of their breaks at work, with working environments and employers preventing them from taking a break. A study conducted by One Poll on behalf of Nestle Professional, found that 13 per cent of workers fail to take a break during an average working day with 19 per cent […]