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VIDEO: Interview with Louise Stevenson, Operations Manager & Executive Assistant

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Louise joined Criton almost 2 years ago and since then her role has grown from part time EA to full time EA and Operations Manager. In 2020, Louise was a finalist at the PA Life Star Awards and in 2021 has contributed two articles ‘How to juggle home schooling while working as an EA‘ and […]

Video: Interview with Sarah Szekir-Papasavva, Virtual Assistant and Founder ofย Apt Virtual Assistance

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Sarah Szekir-Papasavva, Founder ofย Apt Virtual Assistance, comes from an artistic background, having studied a Masters Degree in Fine Art at the University of Leeds before building a career as a PA. Sarah trained as an Executive Assistant, followed by a Virtual Assistance course, before using her experience to start Apt Virtual Assistance. Sarah offers a […]

Video: Interview with Joanne Manville, Founder of Joanne Manville Virtual Assistance

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Joanne Manville Virtual Assistance has been running for over five years and has evolved from โ€˜justโ€™ Joanne to a team of amazing VAs. In this interview PA Life speaks to Joanne about why she decided to become a Virtual Assistant, the South West VA Collaboration and essential tools she uses in her in day-to-day role. […]

Learning from the greatest event innovations of the past to predict future trends

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As the Institution of Engineering and Technology celebrates its 150-year anniversary this year, IET Venues is hailing the top inventions since the Institutionโ€™s inception that continue to shape the way we run events.   The event industry has utilised every aspect of technology throughout its history, in a lot of ways pushing the boundaries of […]

Where would we be without Zoomโ€ฆ?

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Since the pandemic began, have you ever stopped and thought how different the lockdowns would have been without video technology? Iโ€™m sure at some point weโ€™ve all moaned and groaned at a frozen video call or a colleague being on mute โ€“ and, in fact, a study has found that 22% of video calls freeze […]

VIDEO: The PA Life Star Awards 2020

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We set out to find the top PAs, EAs, VAs, Office Managers and Corporate Bookers from across the UK as part of the PA Life Star Awards 2020 โ€“ and the winners were revealed at the PA Life Virtual Christmas Party!   The five Star Award categories were:ย PA of the Year, Rising Star, Multi-Tasker of […]

VIDEO: Interview with Sarah Damani – Executive Hub Manager, Alchemy Virtual Assistance

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Sarah Damani runs a successful Alchemy Virtual Assistance (VA) Hub where she supports multiple business owners with their PA, marketing and administration under the trusted and award-winning Alchemy brand. She became an Alchemy VA Hub Manager in December 2019 โ€“ three months before COVID hit โ€“ and rose above the challenges of the pandemic to […]

Technology is transforming the future of venue finding

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By Polly Stobinski, Top Banana Venue finding requests tend to be one of those things that lands on your desk, normally at the last minute, and fills you with dread. It can be one of those jobs that you think at first will only take you a short amount of time, but after receiving endless […]

VIDEO: Interview with Niamh Smithers Senior Executive Assistant at ESW

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Editor of PA Life Hayley Somerscales spoke with Niamh Smithers, Senior Executive Assistant at ESW and PA Life Star Award finalist for PA of the Year 2020โ€ฆ During the interview Niamh shares how she became an Executive Assistant, her current responsibilities, personal development, having dyslexia in the workplace and her advice to others with dyslexia. […]

VIDEOS: Event tech and hybrid events at Church House Westminster

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Church House Westminster is an approved Covid-Secure multi-purpose venue offering a choice of 19 versatile hybrid studios in the heart of Central London. By utilising event technology, Church House Westminster can ensure that meetings and conferences that require real-time engagement continue without interruption. Alternative event delivery methods are top of the agenda. To ensure that […]

Video: Are you responsible for your company’s travel arrangements?

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If you are a PA or EA who has not considered private jet charter, now is the time to explore the benefits. Whether youโ€™re planning a business flight to Brussels or a weekend in Dublin, London Jet Charter can take the hassle out of searching for an available aircraft.   Over the years London Jet […]

What your mobile phone says about youโ€ฆ

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The apps you keep on your phone can show if you’re stressed, have a tidy home or if you’re a bit of a party animal, it has emerged. They can also provide a host of other insights into your state of mind, your outlook on life and your motivations, a leading psychologist has revealed. It […]