
Ensure your event runs without a hitch

Good planning is vital to creating a successful event. Surely if you have planned everything meticulously, what could possibly go wrong? You?ve dotted every I and crossed every T. 


Planning events can be fraught and often the cause of countless sleepless nights, worry and stress about how to ensure it is going to be a success and go off without a hitch. The truth is that it?s very difficult to have a backup plan at the ready for every eventuality. It is therefore necessary to sit down and evaluate every problem that you can reasonably foresee before any of them arise. Sometimes the problem is as simple as good old fashion bad luck.


6 tips for smooth event planning:

1. Share your planning with a colleague, it?s not possible to realistically see all of the problems when your totally immersed in a project.

2. Don?t assume ? check in with your suppliers a week before the event, and then the day before the event. Ensure every person has everybody?s telephone numbers, including the delivery driver.

3. Have a back up helper at the ready to be on hand at the office, who has access to your /emails/phone/contacts/spreadsheets. You cannot be in two places at once ? and can?t rely on there being guaranteed Internet /phone connection.

4. Take your mobile phone charger with you. Constantly using your mobile will drain the battery life quickly, not good when you are expecting/making multiple phone calls or sending emails.

5. Have alternative supplier numbers to hand just incase one pulls out last minute. E.g local taxis/technicians etc.

6. Make sure you have a personal bag for your own little essentials to get you through the day. Generics such as a bottle of water, fruit, deodorant, breath mints, notepad and pen will set you in good stead. Ladies ? lipstick, spritz of perfume and a fresh pair or tights will instantly give you a boost and gents – aftershave and a fresh shirt.