
How PAs can use social media to promote their events

Social media on a mobile

When it comes to event management, social media is drastically underused and often incorrectly managed. However, with PAs increasingly expected to do more with less, the power of social can help you to promote your events, enhance experiences and generate conversations. Here are some tips on how to integrate social media into your events from the experts at Apex.

Before your event

  • Be strategic. List your event goals and establish how social media can help you to achieve these.
  • Put in the groundwork. You canโ€™t post a few tweets the week before registration opens and expect to be inundated with attendance requests.
  • Use images, videos and testimonials from previous events to demonstrate success.
  • Create bespoke event content and encourage attendees and stakeholders to share it.
  • Create an event hashtag to make it easy for people to search for, and engage with event updates.
  • Consider landing pages, Facebook pages, or microsites to promote the event.
  • If registering delegates online make sure your system interfaces well with social media, making it part of your integrated strategy.

During your event

  • Encourage attendees to share their experiences on social media during the event (with the established hashtag).
  • Integrate live screens into your venue to allow people to see these posts.
  • Consider competitions and live questioning via social media to spark interest and activity.
  • Donโ€™t leave all the work to your attendees; make sure your team is also providing live updates throughout the day, quoting speakers as well as sharing and responding to posts.

After your event

  • Encourage attendees to share their feedback, images and experiences.
  • Use this info to create content that will demonstrate the success of your event and help you to promote the next one.

If all this sounds like you may need some help, youโ€™re probably right. At Apex the team can help make sure your social media activity is supportive of your wider event aims, rather than a distraction. Find out more about how Apex can help you, or give the team a call today on 01625 429370.