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Mondays don’t have to have that Monday feeling


Monday is the most disliked day of the week and for good reason, you’ve had a really enjoyable few days off and now you’ve battled through a mass of people on your commute to work, to catch up with the mountain of work you didn’t do on Friday. It’s a day we all wish we could just avoid and stay in bed for. Vincenzo Ferrara looks at some simple tips to help make your Monday feel less Monday-ish.  

Give yourself time – Waking up an hour earlier then you would the rest of the week, might sound like the idea of hell, especially on a Monday. But, by waking up earlier and giving yourself time to properly wake, have breakfast and focus on the day ahead, you’ll notice that the day seems to go a lot quicker than usual you’ll also be a lot more productive at work.

Attitude – We all know someone at work that is convinced the meditation is the keep to well-being and for some it very well might be. However, the majority of us haven’t got the time to meditate and even if we did, we probably wouldn’t want to anyway.

The one thing we can take from meditation is the time to mentally prepare yourself and get into a positive mental attitude to face the day.

Our top tip, if you don’t want to meditate to start the day off, we find spending five minutes with a cup of tea has a similar outcome.

Exercise – This is controversial on a Monday morning, when the last thing you actually want to do is get out of bed. But, the benefits of exercise are widely known, by getting the blood pumping around your body early in the morning, you’ll arrive at work with a boost of energy, so you start the day happier and in a more energetic mood.

Good sounds – Nothing wakes you up in the morning quicker than a good sing song. Over the weekend, start creating a Monday morning playlist, that you can sing at the top of your lungs as you dance around the house getting ready. You’ve got to try and avoid anything too slow and add uplifting high tempo tracks. At the PA Life office, we’ve found the soundtracks to the Bridget Jones films works best but find what works best for you.

Evening routine – The best way to start the day is by planning in advance. On a Sunday night, make your lunch for Monday, get your clothes out for the day ahead and go to sleep at a decent time.

It sounds rather boring we know, but it will take the stress out of your morning routine, meaning you can get up and leave the house, knowing everything is done.

We hope that our hints and tips work for you, they aren’t revolutionary but they might just make your morning a little brighter and your Monday a little better.

What Rachel Gould, Assistant to major events director UKA, suggested we add:

Morning Cuppa – Set up cups ready the night before, put the kettle on a timer switch to boil 5 minutes before you go downstairs – no waiting, it’s amazing how much time will be saved, and how energised you’ll feel after.

Bags for next day – Put all bags near the front door the night before (ready packed), so even if you wake up after too many snooze buttons, you don’t need to worry about finding and packing you things before you leave.

Lunch – Make packed lunch every evening (not just Mondays), lunch is a key meal in everyone’s day. It will help you relax and re-energise. Chances are, by making it the night before, your lunch will be healthier and more well balanced, than a hastily made morning dash to the kitchen.


If you have any tips or tricks to making Monday more bearable email: