
2021 is set to be more mentally challenging than 2020

With a 3rd national lockdown the impact on our mental health and wellbeing is expected to be even worse than before.

COVID hasnโ€™t been left in 2020 and many employees are going to struggle especially in the early part of 2021. The national lockdowns have been an unprecedented change in the way we socialise and work, and for many of us they have had a huge impact on our mental health.

It is therefore vital that businesses focus on employeeโ€™s wellbeing in January and ensure their leaders are trained to be empathetic and understand how to spot the early stages of stress and mental health issues. Leaders have had to develop new core skills, such as resilience, to build coping mechanisms and emotional agility to withstand the uncertainty and changes that have been prevalent in 2020.

Being resilient will be an important business skill in 2021 as leaders will need to support employees emotionally and strategically whilst developing and adapting the business.

Leaders that have been trained to be resilient are able to take control even in the toughest situations and can not only handle the โ€œCoronacoasterโ€ but are able to make key business changes to help their businesses thrive.

Leading Business Psychologist, Dannielle Haig, coaches some of the principal business minds in the UK and has seen first-hand the impact 2020 has had on our working life and more importantly our mental health.

She, said: โ€œThe start of 2021 is going to be mentally tough for many of and through this period of concern and anxiety, strong leadership is required more than ever. Itโ€™s fundamental for organisations to be aware of staff wellbeing and support them by encouraging and building the confidence of their leaders. The most efficient and effective approach to support employee wellbeing is through the training and development of the senior team.โ€