
7 traits of highly efficient people

Everyone wants to perform to the best of their ability. But improving your own productivity can be tricky when all youโ€™ve been given to go on is โ€˜work harderโ€™. To help, Samsung has taken the time to identify seven traits that highly efficient workers often possess and display on a regular basis.

1. Stop multitasking
Research has shown the brain canโ€™t process two dissimilar streams of information simultaneously and that short-term memory can only hold five to nine items at a time. Multitasking just means youโ€™re phoning in several tasks at once. Instead, improve your productivity by focusing on one task at a time and clearing it from the deck.

2. Manage your time effectively
With better planning, you probably wonโ€™t feel the need to multitask. Time management techniques, such as the urgent and important time-management matrix, are widely available on the internet — itโ€™s simply a matter choosing one and rigidly sticking to it. Many high performers also like to take 10-minute breaks between tasks to digest information and reflect.

3. Be mindful
Activities such as meditation can greatly help to increase productivity. World-renowned neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris is a huge proponent of mindfulness, which involves focusing on the present moment in a non-judgemental way.

4. Improve your communication skills
Communication is the foundation of all relationships, and effectively engaging with people can help boost productivity. Communication starts with listening — focus all your energy on the person communicating with you and donโ€™t redirect the conversation to your concerns.

5. Become a team player
Remember the old saying: “Thereโ€™s no โ€˜Iโ€™ in team”? Well, becoming a good team member is all about being inclusive and respecting othersโ€™ opinions. Try to take time out of your day to get to know your peers. Acknowledge the team indirectly when talking about work by using the first-person plural, “we”.

6. Focus on whatโ€™s important
A good way to spike your productivity is to break down your usual tasks into micro-tasks. Then start eliminating the micro-tasks that donโ€™t get you to the end result. This follows the Pareto principle where roughly 80 per cent of the effects come from 20 per cent of the causes. Start working out which of your tasks comprise the 20 per cent that will make you the most productive and focus on these first.

7. Know how to take a break
Learning to switch off is just as important as switching on. In this tech-driven world, work often follows you around like a bad smell. Taking time to focus on unwinding activities such as hobbies or rigorous exercise can help you return to work refreshed and energised.

Read the Samsung advice in full at