
A day in the life of a VA

Day in the life of a va

More assistants are looking at the advantages of ditching the office in favour of becoming a VA. Sarah Rugg, co-founder of My VA Business, worked alongside virtual assistant Sam Evans to document what the average day in the life of a VA was.

Commute, work, sandwich, work, commute, dinner, bed – and repeat. It’s okay for some but how about this instead…

7.00am: I roll out of bed, giving me plenty of time to get ready, poke both the kids and get breakfast ready.

8.30am: Everyone’s out of the house. Ah, peace and quiet finally. I contemplate my commute. Hubby left an hour and a half ago and probably still hasn’t even reached the office. Me? I just climb the stairs to the office – otherwise known as the spare room.

11.30am: Fuelled by my second coffee, I plough through the morning’s emails, make a few calls for a client and even get that tricky event finally booked and sorted for my favourite client.

12.00pm: I try to think of a reason not to, but can’t, so I take an hour for myself and hit the new Yoga class at the gym at noon.

1.30pm: After grabbing a shower and a sandwich, it’s back to work. I’ve got to put together a travel itinerary for a client and do some research on her competitors. Then there are a few more calls to make and a quick fight with the printer to get some letters sorted in time to catch the afternoon post.

3.00pm: It’s no coincidence that I head to the Post Office – swinging by to pick the kids up from school on the way back.

3.45pm: I come back to an enquiry from a potential new client who I’d met at networking recently – sounds interesting. I give them a call back.

4.45pm: I spend ten minutes networking on LinkedIn before I shut up shop – meaning I turn off the computer and head downstairs to have a quick coffee before getting ready to meet the girls for dinner.

When I get back that evening I just can’t help having a sneaky peek at my emails (I know, I know, but it doesn’t feel like a chore!). I decide to deal with a few there and then (my choice entirely) as, knowing what client work I already have on tomorrow it will make life easier to box them off now.

Whilst I don’t believe there’s such thing as a ‘perfect’ one-size-fits-all work-life balance, I love how I’ve created mine – it suits me down to the ground, fitting around my husband, my children, my social life and my passion for photography. Plus doing a variety of different jobs that challenge me every day is fabulous.

Yes, I still have deadlines to meet, I can do the work whenever it suits me – whether that’s 6am, 2pm or 11pm.

And that’s the beauty of being a VA… Choice!

Becoming a virtual assistant isn’t for everyone but it is an increasingly popular trend that assistants are turning to.

Sarah Rugg

Sarah Rugg, My VA Business

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