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Americans would move jobs to find happiness

Tips to help you find a job you love

We have our own work ideals here in the UK, but new research shows that money and perks arenโ€™t always enough for our counterparts across the pond. A study finds many Americans would move jobs in order to find happiness.

The research commissioned by Cornerstone OnDemand reveals that career satisfaction and work-life balance are the two biggest reasons American employees either stay at their jobs (38% combined) or leave โ€“ 29% resign due to work overload.

Workers are also willing to make life-altering decisions and considerable sacrifices in order to find happiness. 89% say they would make a lateral career move ยญwith no financial incentive to start a new career (41%) or for a professional challenge (40%). 77% of Americans surveyed also consider relocating to a different city, state, or country.

The findings suggest Americans make important decisions about their career based on the perceived level of happiness theyโ€™ll gain from it. Professional growth, purpose and fulfilment are key factors in changing jobs โ€“ not just a bigger paycheque.

Read the full findings at