
Effective strategies to ensure success at work

Sometimes being more productive and succeeding at work is as easy as a quick change to your normal routine. Whether you rethink your lunch breaks or aim to get out of bed earlier, these top tips have been proven to help you have a better day.

Get the most out of your breaks A study by the University of Toronto shows that a personโ€™s ability to feel energised after lunch is more about choosing ways to spend your free time rather than how much time you have.

Reading helps social skills Another study by the New School for Social Research has found that reading literary fiction helps you interact better with other people by opening your imagination and increasing your empathy.

Build a support network According to productivity training expert Jason Womack, surrounding yourself with people who want you to succeed and who will challenge you can aid in achieving your goals.

Donโ€™t sleep in We all enjoy those blissful hours spent snoozing away, but productivity coach Ciara Conlon says itโ€™s better to wake up and get going to increase your daily output at work.

Fly with wifi Try to book flights with wifi on board to help you keep on top of work while on the go. Productivity and how-to website Lifehackerโ€™s Adam Dachis recommends sites such as to find out which airlines offer this service.

Use alternative methods to evaluate the economy Government statistics arenโ€™t always the only way to find out whatโ€™s going on. For example, reports that more people look for dates in a downturn.

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