
Friday fun: April Fools’ Day inspiration

Hilarious April Fools' Day pranks

It’s Friday. It’s (mostly) nice outside. And it’s the end of that dreaded post-bank holiday workweek. Hopefully you’ve survived. If you need a bit of a pick-me-up or some April Fools’ Day inspiration, check out these people who were caught having glorious, magical fun at work – and pulling some of the best office pranks.

The list by humour blog Pleated Jeans starts off with a hilarious picture of a mannequin sitting on a toilet wearing a Darth Vader helmet. Not something I’d want to walk in on first thing in the morning!

One team decided to fill a newlywed colleague’s office with balloons, while another collected what looks to be money for charity by asking who staff would rather have narrate their lives – Morgan Freeman or Christopher Walken. Good question…

And don’t get me started on the person who turned the office’s new toaster so the controls faced the wall and put a sign on it that read: “It’s voice activated”. Sounds like the perfect prank!

Check out the full list – with pictures – and some of blogger Jeff Wyasaski’s original funny bits at WARNING: a couple items on the list are slightly NSFW (not safe for work).