
Gossip about work affects productivity

Office gossip you should never share with your boss

We all know that gossip is a huge time waster that takes us away from the things that are truly important at work. However, new research from the University of Salford shows that moaning about your job is the most likely form of chitchat to affect your productivity.

The study analysed the survey data of employees from 26 businesses across a range of industries. The team found that more than 52% of those polled say they participate in job-related gossip, while 45% engage in personal gossip. An earlier study showed that chitchat focused on work had negative implications for productivity.

Of those who contributed to work-related comments, 33% were found to exhibit cynical behaviour towards their employer and colleagues. That means that up to a sixth of workers could be negatively impacting their productivity.

Previous research has found that cynical employees are more likely to doubt a managerโ€™s strategies and suspect their intentions. This is where gossip could have the biggest impact on productivity.