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Posts Tagged :

office politics

The top 10 passive aggressive office put-downs – and how to tackle them

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When a person is indirectly aggressive, their behaviour may fall under the umbrella of passive aggressive. According to UK Google trend data, the search term ‘passive aggressive behaviour’ has received a 227.27% uplift within the last year alone (May 2020 – April 2021). Such an uplift reflects the nations uncertainty with regards to how to […]

UK employees would take a £2,665 pay cut to avoid going back to the office

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Saving money on the daily commute, no need to worry about what to wear and no office politics to deal with… are just a handful of benefits to working from home. And many don’t want to give it up now. Insolvency Support, provider of business support, tips and resources, conducted a survey of 3,000 employees […]

Tidy desk, tidy mind – and you won’t annoy your colleagues

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Some 63 per cent of UK office workers annoyed when colleagues’ desks are messy, according to a study. The research, which looked into organisational habits at work, found that almost two thirds (59 per cent) of those surveyed said they regularly procrastinate over organisational tasks, with less than half of UK office workers (45 per […]

Air-con wars raise the temperature in offices

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A report we at PA Life Towers can totally relate to – nearly half of office workers claim that the office temperature is what causes the most frustration and differences of opinion in the workplace. A survey of more than 1,300 employees by Elmo Oil has found that 57 per cent consider their office too […]

Bosses driven crazy by employee habits

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New research from AXA PPP healthcare has revealed aspects of office behaviour that bosses find most irksome. It would appear that poor time keeping, office romances and foul habits are rife when working in smaller businesses, with one in 10 not liking their colleagues. Topping the table of annoyances of a poll of business owners, […]

Employees reveal embarrassing office Christmas party moments on Twitter

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We’ve all had cringe-worthy moments at the office, but the holiday season seems to be rife with them. US comedian and host of The Tonight Show Jimmy Fallon asked his viewers to take to Twitter using the hashtag #officepartyfails to reveal some of the most embarrassing events to happen at their office Christmas party. The […]

Getting ahead at work: Social class divide, power and office politics

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A new study from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business has found that social class inequality in the workplace persists not only because of external factors such as bias and “glass ceilings”, but also because of structural factors that discourage relatively low-class people from seeking positions of power in the first place. The […]

A third of bosses play Scrooge at work this Christmas

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A third of British bosses will be bringing Scrooge to work this year by banning Christmas festivities, new research reveals. A survey of 1005 employees carried out by artificial Christmas tree e-tailer Christmas Tree World asked Brits about their employers’ attitudes toward festivities in the workplace and found that one in three employers will put […]

Tips to help introverts win at work

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Anybody familiar with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator knows that there are roughly 16 personality types. I’ll let you in on a little fact about me – I’m a bona fide INTJ type, which forms just 0.8% of the population and means I’m highly introverted. Fellow introverts know that social situations such as life at the […]

1 in 4 Brits doesn’t trust their boss

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One in four Brits doesn’t trust their boss, a new study has found. A poll of 2000 people found one in four employees doesn’t trust their boss, with workers in the North East (30%) the most distrusting of those that cover their pay cheques. Around one in 10 don’t always have faith in their sibling, […]

9 out of 10 are afraid to start an office romance

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The office romance could be an endangered species after new research found that nine out of 10 people don’t think it’s worth acting on their crushes. A workplace survey by a British employment law consultancy found that the vast majority was too scared to start an office romance in case they fell foul of harassment […]

How to break up with your work friend

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Last month we gave you tips for making friends at work. Sometimes circumstances call for that relationship to end, so here are tips from Fast Company for breaking up with your work friend, whether it’s because you’re stepping into a management role or simply because your friend is the problem. If you’re becoming their boss […]

One for the boss: 5 ways to prevent office politics

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We’ve given you tips on how to navigate office politics, but sometimes the best thing to do is avoid it altogether. Facebook has five clear ways to prevent negative office politics, which they shared with the Harvard Business Review. 1 Hire smart If you get involved in recruitment at your company, or even if you’re […]

4 types of people to avoid at work

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Office politics are never easy to navigate and sometimes it’s hard to tell who you can trust at work. Luckily, business Professor Kimberly A Whitler recently wrote an article for Forbes in which she described the four types of people you need to avoid at the office. 1 Climbers – These people will stop at […]

5 times you should never share office gossip with your boss

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As a PA who is here, there and everywhere in the office, you’re bound to overhear comments that should be kept secret. While spreading rumours and repeating hushed conversations is never suggested, there are five pieces of office gossip you should under no circumstances tell your boss, according to HR specialist Liz Ryan. 1 Negative […]

9 etiquette rules for an open-plan office

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Many businesses made the move to an open-plan office in recent years because they thought it would boost collaboration and help productivity. However, some employees find the arrangement frustrating, especially if they work better in silence while their colleagues prefer to have the radio on in the background. Writing for Entrepreneur, business etiquette expert Jacqueline […]

How to win at office politics

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The office is a unique and sometimes treacherous environment. Throwing different personality types into an enclosed space and asking them to play nice for 40 hours or more every week seems like a recipe for disaster. But there are ways to win at office politics, according to Executive Coach Rebecca Alexander from The Coaching Studio. […]

5 tips for building positive relationships with your colleagues

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When you spend the majority of your time at work with your co-workers, it’s important to be able to get along with them. Here, Carol Williams from iMindQ presents her top five tips for building positive relationships with your colleagues. 1 Listen up – When you’re having a conversation with your colleagues, really listen to […]

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