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How to be a top PA taskmaster

A major part of any PA’s job is to assist their boss with getting through his or her tasks in a timely manner. Creating a to-do list that you both have access to is the best way to ensure you’re on the same page when it comes to getting work done and it will help you and your manager plan your day more effectively. Here are some simple dos and don’ts for handling this list.

Try to complete as many tasks on your boss’s behalf as you can. Rather than deleting jobs from the list when they’re done, move them to a separate one so you can both see what has been accomplished.

Place important tasks at the top of the list and add the ones you can’t do on your own to your manager’s calendar with a deadline, ensuring she has enough time to complete her work.

Suggest apps and other tools to help your boss stay on top of her list, such as Evernote, Wunderlist, and Todoist.

Break large projects into smaller, more manageable tasks and ask her to clarify anything that’s vague so you can determine if you can help her do any of them.

Always discuss the to-do list in your one-to-one meetings to ensure you’re communicating effectively about what needs to be done. It takes time to develop a system, so patience is key.

Forget to add tasks to the list with a deadline for getting them done. Your boss needs to plan her day accordingly, so the sooner she knows about something the quicker she can prioritise it.

Let your boss’s list get too long. The purpose here is to keep on top of tasks so both of you can be more productive. Review the list on a regular basis so you can allocate time for completing jobs.

Allow colleagues to slip on deadlines. If your manager is waiting on somebody else for information, take it upon yourself to chase them on her behalf so she doesn’t fall behind.

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