
How to keep your business safe online

Employers reveal the personal skills they seek in young staff

Companies are facing more threats than ever before when venturing online, with almost a third of British workers not even aware of the cyber security put in place to protect their companies, according to Expert Security UK. As some companies are even knowingly leaving themselves vulnerable to security threats, the team at Expert Security UK have compiled their list of measures to protect your firm against attacks.

Build trust
Building a relationship with employees means that they will feel comfortable telling you if there’s a breach as soon as possible. If workers don’t trust their managers and supervisors enough to warn them if they have any problems immediately, every extra second could put more data at risk and require more manhours to solve.

Shop around
Don’t just choose the first virus protection or firewall options available to you, research which offer the most appropriate support for your business. Different companies will offer clients different support based on your priorities, so if you need round-the-clock cover, off-site backup or even a lower price, keep looking and you’ll find something to suit your needs.

Don’t overlook traditional security
Cyber-security is a growing priority, but that doesn’t mean that physical security should take a back seat, according to the specialists at Expert Security UK.

“With advancing technologies and increasingly sophisticated techniques it’s crucial that businesses stay one step ahead,” said Expert Security UK Managing Director, Danny Scholfield. “As we go forward, it’s imperative that we’re using every possible method to our advantage.

“For businesses, there are plenty of new solutions that are being designed to prevent security breaches – from bi-folding speed gates to crash-tested bollards.”

To find out more, read how you can help to enhance your business security here. Is your business protected? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.