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How to prove yourself in your new job

Starting a new job comes with a lot of excitement but just as much pressure. New environment, new people, new responsibilities. They’re confident enough in you to give you a shot so there’s absolutely nothing to worry about, but that won’t stop your mind trying to think of ways to impress. Well, don’t over-analyse it because we’ve come up with our top tips for putting your right foot forward and striding confidently into your first day.

Scrub up
It’s easy to overthink a first impression, but just keep calm. Remember, it’s always better to overdress than underdress, so dress to impress. If you look like your grandparents wouldn’t approve, fix that. Be polite, take notes and smile.

Your new colleagues will probably have plenty of questions to ask you, but don’t talk about yourself all day. Ask questions, listen and learn about the inner workings of the office. Where are the facilities, what gets filed where and what office politics do you need to know? This time is a valuable learning opportunity so keep your notebook nearby.

Get pumped
Those office doors represent a million possibilities on your first day, but face the unknown head-on instead of fearing it. From the moment you wake up, play music that will get you in the right mindset, be that your workout playlist, your confidence playlist or even a playlist that chills you out. We all have those playlists, so whatever prepares you, play it loud in the shower, down the street and in transit. Walk through those doors ready to take on the world.

Don’t take sides
It can be hard to not get involved with office gossip and in your first few days plenty of new colleagues will be eager to fill you in on everything happening behind the scenes. There’s nothing wrong with you listening, but keep it cool and don’t let it get to you. Taking sides could prove a mistake if you start making controversial stances before you’ve had your probation review.

Once you’re out of probation, you’ll probably realise it’s the same as all other office drama anyway and it doesn’t really matter.

You’re hired
Don’t forget, you are already hired. Your bosses have faith in you that, next to every other recruit, you were the perfect fit for the role. If you ever feel like you’re the wrong person for the job or don’t deserve to be there, always remember that you didn’t accidentally fall into this, you were chosen by professionals looking for you.

What advice would you give to those starting a new job? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.