Posts Tagged :

career success

Women *still* facing discrimination over family plans

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Hereโ€™s another one to file under โ€˜how depressingโ€™โ€ฆ a new survey has revealed that almost one in three bosses wouldnโ€™t hire a female applicant in case they become pregnant soon. This form of employment discrimination is illegal, of course, but that hasnโ€™t stopped senior executives from passing over women during the recruitment process. Indeed, some […]

โ€˜Thank youโ€™ โ€“ 2 words that go a long way

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If your boss thanks you for a job well done, chances are youโ€™ll remain loyal to the business, says a new report. A survey to mark the launch of the One4all Spotlight Awards reveals that 83 per cent of UK workers say that being thanked increases their loyalty to the company, with 65 per cent […]

If you don’t like it, get off the bus!

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“If you don’t like it, get off the bus” “No brainer” “Punch a puppy” If you’re irritated by office jargon, you’re not alone โ€“ and if you use phrases like these, you mightย want to think again, according to online recruitment giant Glassdoor. And the company has also offered tips for being a success with your […]

Top tips for video interviews

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With the rise of online conferencing platforms such as Skype and FaceTime, video interviews for prospective candidates has never been more popular. Once reserved just for international recruitment, video interviews ease the scheduling burden at a fraction of the cost for both recruiter and candidate. Simon Adams, regional director for specialist teaching recruitment firm Teach […]

How to prove yourself in your new job

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Starting a new job comes with a lot of excitement but just as much pressure. New environment, new people, new responsibilities. Theyโ€™re confident enough in you to give you a shot so thereโ€™s absolutely nothing to worry about, but that wonโ€™t stop your mind trying to think of ways to impress. Well, donโ€™t over-analyse it […]

Office managers reveal employers not supporting their career development

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A survey of office management professionals has revealed a lack of focus on professional development in their career, and one in three (29%) say that itโ€™s due to not being encouraged by their employer. Other factors include budget restraints (41%) and time constraints (31%), as well as there being no formal processes in place for […]

How Unique are You?

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New research has uncovered the odds of you being one of a lucky few with certain appearances, possessions, and abilities. Stressed for an interview and mentally comparing yourself to the other candidates in the waiting room, it can be easy to forget what makes you stand out from the crowd. However, very soon, and in […]

Bosses reveal the worst employee habits

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Staff can be left frustrated and dejected when they miss out on rewards or praise at work without any explanation, and some workers are even driven to leaving their jobs through poor communication with employers. UK online printer Instantprint have surveyed bosses on the habits that irritate them the most, and how workers can impress […]

Brits too busy for socialising

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Half of British workers have revealed that they consider themselves too busy to use up their full holiday allowance. As part of the Flights quicker than campaign, holiday flight experts Monarch has looked into how much time and effort is put into mundane tasks when they could be taking a break, yet many in the […]

How to survive the job interview

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Getting through a job interview unscathed is a tricky task, especially when up against a high-profile company or a strict recruiter. While making a lasting and positive first impression can make or break your interview within seconds of arriving, the art of leaving a good impression has been dwindling among new recruits, and we have […]

A memo from Craig Harris

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Craig Harris knows first-hand what itโ€™s like to be told he didnโ€™t have the right experience for a job. Here he discusses how he overcame adversity to land his dream role โ€œSuccess is what happens after you stop making excuses.โ€ How true is this? Sometimes itโ€™s easy to find the excuse for why we havenโ€™t […]

Bosses giving workers second chance at a first impression

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Workers are taking lessons from world-class acting coaches in how to leave a good first impression as businesses are concerned its becoming a lost art. Enlisting the help of renowned drama school Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), the training sessions are taken in small groups and one-to-ones with performance coaches in order to boost […]

Freelancers should get sick pay, according to specialists

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More than three quarters of self-employed Brits have no provisions in place in case of emergency absences, according to new studies. Remaining mostly unprepared in the face of pregnancy, holiday and redundancy pay, micro-business owners and freelancers would value receiving sick pay over any other statutory pay. Carried out by the Freelancer and Contractor Services […]

Hiring the wrong person costs UK businesses billions

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Recruiters are being urged to be mindful as British businesses are losing billions of pounds a year through hiring mistakes. 85% of HR decision-makers admitting their company has hired the wrong candidate, but a third still believe the mistake hasnโ€™t cost the firm any profits. A report from the Recruitment and Employment Confederation hopes to […]

How to work with Millennials

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The business landscape is changing to reflect the growing world around us, and introducing the Millennial to the workplace can be a nightmare for some businesses. The Millennials and โ€˜Generation Zโ€™ are the first generations to grow up within a constantly-connected, multicultural world, and theyโ€™re bringing their new experiences to the working world. Opinionated, informed […]

How travelling can boost your employability

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Travelling could be the secret to solving your job worries, according to a new report. CV Library has revealed how you could improve your attractiveness to recruiters by taking the time to explore, with statistics showing that 86% of employers believe that travelling increases your chances of securing an interview. As spending time out of […]

What the General Election result means for PAs

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Freelance, temporary and virtual assistants could be put at risk following the results of the UK General Election, according to a recruitment specialist. The Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) has warned that the snap election, which saw the Conservatives lose its overall majority from the 2015 General Election, will lead to uncertainty for many […]

Scottish PA of the Year announced

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The Scottish PA Network Awards has named Fiona Forbes as Scottish PA of the Year 2017 as part of a conference aimed at showcasing the crucial roles PAs across the globe make within the workplace. As part of the Scottish PA Network Conference, in association with Hays PA and Secretarial recruiting firm, Forbes has been […]