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Story Events - keep up until xmas party show

Mental illness could cost 50 million years of lost work

Half of UK workers know somebody who has taken time off work for stress

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has released a report that shows the stark reality of the cost of mental illness on businesses. The study estimates that 12 billion working days – equivalent to 50 million years – will be lost between now and 2030.

The WHO has also found that failing to effectively treat mental disorders such as depression and anxiety has cost the global economy around £651 billion a year in lost productivity.

Yet experts believe that for every US$1 invested in treatment, the economy will see a US$4 return. That means the estimated £104 billion cost of counselling and medications over the next 15 years would boost the global marketplace by around £281 billion.

The report is a wake-up call for governments and businesses around the world, with nearly 10% of the global population suffering with a mental disorder, the most common being depression and anxiety (615 million sufferers worldwide).

Read the original article by The Telegraph at