
Millennials prioritise career over marriage

Millennials value career progression over starting a family

Ambitious millennials are prioritising financial security, home ownership and career progression over marriage and having children, according to new research.

A survey of 2,017 UK adults carried out by personal training course provider, revealed 88% of British millennials have financial stability on their bucket lists.

Buying a home (82%), achieving health and fitness goals (79%) and climbing the career ladder quickly (77%) followed in second, third and fourth place respectively, beating the more traditional milestones in life. Starting a family (55%) and getting married (53%) did make the list, but were less popular among respondents.

Other life goals that millennials have on their bucket list include becoming their own boss (72%). Travelling to a dream holiday destination was named as an ambition for 68% of Brits, while two thirds (65%) said driving a dream car was a goal.

Simon Bubb, Managing Director of said: “It’s interesting to see how the traditional milestones such as getting married or having children came so far down on the list of life ambitions for those of a certain age. Our research shows just how many millennials are taking their futures seriously, and focussing on their own personal development first and foremost. By prioritising earning good money, career progression and taking care of their bodies with a healthy lifestyle, it’s likely these people will look to fulfil to other milestones later in their lives.”

Top 10 life goals for UK millennials:
1. Financial security – 88%
2. Buying a home – 82%
3. Achieving health and fitness goals – 79%
4. Climbing the career ladder quickly 77%
5. Becoming your own boss – 72%
6. Driving a dream car – 71%
7. Travelling to a dream holiday destination – 68%
8. Starting a family – 55%
9. Getting married – 53%
10. Live in another country – 44%