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Over-40s work best on a three-day week

Older workers are more productive than Millennials

New research shows that people over the age of 40 perform better on a three-day week than those working 55 hours or more. The Australian study found that participantsโ€™ cognitive functions began to slow down after 25 hours.

Among the 3,000 men and 3,500 women who participated, test scores began to decrease once their week went over 25 hours, with many reporting fatigue and stress. On the other end of the spectrum, those who work 55 hours a week performed worse than retired and unemployed participants.

With the state pension age increasing over the next several years, the studyโ€™s findings illustrate a need to rethink retirement age. More and more UK employees are working past 65 out of choice or necessity, but these results show part-time work will garner the best results for employers.

Read the original article from The Independent at