
PA LIFE MEET UP: Food in Meetings and Events – Have you secured your place yet?

Don’t forget to RSVP for our exclusive Meet Up networking event for PA Life readers at Pennethorne’s Bar, Somerset House, on Thursday 27th January 2022, courtesy of Restaurant Associates Venues, part of Lime Venue Portfolio.

Food in Meetings and Events – Introducing Ways to be Well. This event will be focused around food in meetings and events with regards to wellness and sustainability.


6.30pm – Welcome and an introduction to Meetings for Change – Sustainability in food across all Lime Venue Portfolio Venues. Restaurant Associates Venues will introduce their Ways to be well concept – Incorporating nutrition / Wellness what affect these have on delegates, followed by a run through of the evening’s dishes from Restaurant Associates Group Chef.

7.00pm Bowl food – served in a street food style, followed by networking

8.00pm Finish

Thursday 27th January 2022 6.00pm – 8.00pm 

This Meet Up event is for all PA Life readers, though PA Life Club Members will receive priority as places are limited to just 30 people.

Please RSVP to and you will be notified asap if you have a place – but hurry there are only 30 spots available!

Not a PA Life Club Member? Contact Morgan Robertson today on 01992 374069 / to find out how to join and gain access to great networking events like these!