
Roomex eBook: How The Wellness of Executive Assistants Impacts the Bottom Line

Stress in the workplace is high for the majority of roles, but in particular – for personal assistants.

73% of PAs feel stressed at work on a daily basis. Since their day to day workload is heavy and ever changing, it can be difficult to build up processes.

Business admin tasks come with the job – yet a lot of it is still done manually. Many companies still rely on excel to manage large and complex processes. This ends up creating more work and more stress for employees. 

As culture and technology constantly evolve, the workplace also does. In the 21st century, the central theme of our changing daily lives is technology.

From the personal assistant’s perspective, the role has completely changed thanks to technology.

Instead of managing everything from a desk phone and a Rolodex, you’re on the move. But this creates even more pressure because there are even more options available – for everything, including one of the most stressful parts of your job -general administration.

Our eBook – How The Wellness of Executive Assistants Impacts the Bottom Line – looks at how Roomex can help PAs reduce stress and improve job satisfaction.