
Team Building Experiences bring Crimbo Bingo to you this winter!

By Team Building Experiences

Seasonโ€™s greetings to all! Grab your tinsel and huddle your-elves together with this Virtual Corporate bingo eventโ€ฆ CRIMBO BINGO available from Team Building Experiences!

Cheesy songs and festive feels are the best way to celebrate Christmas every year. That is why this year, we have launched our Crimbo Bingo, along with many other virtual Christmas Activities.

Crimbo Bingo is definitely one of our personal favourites as we are able bring the party to every corner of the world, with just a few clicks of a button.

We have put together a selection of songs in which your team will go head-to-head to see who can win the bingo experience. Who will get a line, two lines or even the full house? Its all to play for in this merry game.

Donโ€™t be a Scrooge. Dress up in your Kris Kringle costumes, pull out your stockings and rejoice in traditional Christmas spirit in our wonderful game. We just know you will love the Christmas Carols and Sleigh bells.

Crimbo Bingo doesnโ€™t work with numbers (who likes maths anyway!), it works with songs, and more specifically CHRISTMAS SONGS!

You are tasked to cross off the names of the artist and song that will be played to your team. You will be given your own unique, interactive Bingo Cards and as you cross them off, you may even learn names of songs you may not have known before! You could even learn a new festive song from another culture you havenโ€™t been able to explore yet.

You will play through two festive rounds and your team will be able to win guaranteed prizes for the fastest bingo calls, so it really is all to play for. If more than one person shouts โ€œCRIMBO BINGOโ€ at once, then they will have to battle it out in one of our holiday minigames to determine the true winner of the prize.

This virtual event is a guaranteed crowd pleaser and will be sure to lift spirits this yuletide. Why wouldnโ€™t you want to treat your team and bring your traditions together this jolly season? You could even be marking a point in history for your colleagues as the beginning of virtual Christmas Events. With so much flexibility, whatโ€™s not to love?

You can find out more information here.

You can also find out why planning your Christmas party in September is important here.